In Control for Commercial Payments (ICCP) streamlines business transactions using configurable spending controls and enhanced data:
Unique card number for every transaction
A new account number is generated for each transaction and used only once, which gives each purchase its own unique identifier.
Set Transaction Level Controls
Transaction-level authorization lets you define how, where, and when cards are used.
Get enhanced data
Information important to each individual payment is included in each transaction.
Automated reconciliation
VCN data is available for reconciliation reporting.
Workflow control
Approval routing for transactions follows the existing approval process - can also be used as a key tool to reinvent your requisition-to-pay process.
ICCP Solutions
Update the details of a purchase request, including the controls on the VCN. Include the unchanged data and controls sent in the initial submitPurchaseRequest call along with the details to update. This call does not generate a new VCN, but will update the controls on the existing VCN if appropriate.
ICCP Solutions
Node | Child Node | Type | Length | Description |
Authorization | Bearer xxxx | string | Authorization Header (Bearer Token) | |
Content-Type | application/json | string | Content Type |
Node Type | Type | Length | Description | |||||||
header | msg_id | string | 12 | Unique Source Message ID | ||||||
msg_type | string | 12 | Request Type Default TRANSACTION | |||||||
msg_function | string | 50 | Function name to be used Default REQ_UPDATE_PURCHASE_REQUEST | |||||||
src_application | string | 10 | Source requesting channel Ex IVR | |||||||
target_application | string | 10 | Target application name Ex MC | |||||||
timestamp | string | 30 | Timestamp of the request Format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS | |||||||
bank_id | string | 4 | Source Bank Id Ex bankID | |||||||
body | update_purchase_request | rcn_data | object | |||||||
rcn_data/rcn_id | string | |||||||||
rcn_data/rcn_alias | string | |||||||||
data_source_id | string | |||||||||
company_id | string | |||||||||
valid_for | string | |||||||||
description | string | |||||||||
template_details | object | |||||||||
template_details/template_id | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details | object | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/rule_name | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/rule_type | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control | Array | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/max_trans | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/cumulative_limit | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/period | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/currency_type | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/currency_code | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/end_date | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_custom_fields | Array | |||||||||
template_details/template_custom_fields/name | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_custom_fields/value | string | |||||||||
supplier_details | object | |||||||||
supplier_details/supplier_id | string | |||||||||
disable_card_image | string |
"NISrvRequest": {
"request_update_purchase_request": {
"header": {
"msg_id": "236001",
"msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
"src_application": "IVR",
"target_application": "WAY4",
"timestamp": "2020-07-20T10:49:02.366+04:00",
"bank_id": "NIC"
"body": {
"update_purchase_request": {
"rcn_data": {
"rcn_id": "13800",
"rcn_alias": "Sandbox Card"
"data_source_id": "4272",
"company_id": "427521",
"valid_for": "12",
"description": "My Purchase Request",
"template_details": {
"template_id": "21680",
"template_rule_details": {
"rule_name": "My Rule",
"rule_type": "A",
"template_control": [
"max_trans": "1",
"cumulative_limit": "149.54",
"period": "C",
"currency_type": "B",
"currency_code": "840",
"end_date": "2020-12-26-05:00"
"template_custom_fields": [
"name": "Purchase Type",
"value": "Airlines"
"supplier_details": {
"supplier_id": "14100"
"disable_card_image": "N"
Node | Child Node | Type | Length | Description | ||||
Content-Type | application/json | string | Content Type |
Node Type | Type | Length | Description | |||||||
header | msg_id | string | 12 | The msg_id sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field | ||||||
msg_type | string | 12 | msg_type sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field | |||||||
msg_function | string | 50 | Function name to be used default REP_SUBMIT_PURCHASE_REQUEST | |||||||
src_application | string | 10 | The src_application sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field | |||||||
target_application | string | 10 | The target_application sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field | |||||||
timestamp | string | 30 | Timestamp of the request Format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS | |||||||
bank_id | string | 4 | The bank_id sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field Eg ABCD | |||||||
instance_id | string | 10 | InstanceID | |||||||
exception_details | application_name | string | 20 | Application Name | ||||||
date_time | string | 30 | Timestamp of the response | |||||||
status | string | 1 | Status of the request (S/F) | |||||||
error_code | string | 4 | EAI Internal Error Code | |||||||
error_description | string | 100 | Error Description | |||||||
body | purchase_request_details | purchase_request_id | string | |||||||
request_status | string | |||||||||
template_details | object | |||||||||
template_details/template_id | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details | object | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/rule_name | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/rule_type | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control | Array | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/max_trans | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/cumulative_limit | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/period | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/currency_type | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/currency_code | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_rule_details/template_control/end_date | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_custom_fields | Array | |||||||||
template_details/template_custom_fields/name | string | |||||||||
template_details/template_custom_fields/value | string | |||||||||
vcn_information | object | |||||||||
vcn_information/id | string | |||||||||
vcn_information/pan | string | |||||||||
vcn_information/expiry | string | |||||||||
vcn_information/AVV | string | |||||||||
vcn_information/status | string | |||||||||
vcn_information/evcn_indicator | string | |||||||||
addenda | Array | |||||||||
addenda/trip_leg | string | |||||||||
addenda/rail_detail | string | |||||||||
addenda/travel_agency | string | |||||||||
card_image | string | |||||||||
supplier_details | object | |||||||||
supplier_details/supplier_id | string | |||||||||
supplier_details/notify_supplier | string | |||||||||
disable_card_image | string |
"NISrvResponse": {
"response_update_purchase_request": {
"header": {
"msg_id": "236001",
"msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
"src_application": "IVR",
"target_application": "CMS",
"timestamp": "2020-07-20T10:49:02.366+04:00",
"bank_id": "NIC",
"instance_id": "InstanceID"
"exception_details": {
"application_name": "TCC-ADP",
"date_time": "2023-02-01T16:39:47.314+04:00",
"status": "S",
"error_code": "000",
"error_description": "Success"
"body": {
"purchase_request_details": {
"purchase_request_id": "1243255",
"request_status": "Approved",
"template_details": {
"template_id": "55024",
"template_rule_details": {
"rule_name": "B",
"rule_type": "A",
"template_control": [
"max_trans": "4567",
"cumulative_limit": "567.0",
"period": "D",
"currency_type": "B",
"currency_code": "USD",
"end_date": "2023-07-29"
"template_custom_fields": [
"name": "Purchase Type",
"value": "1"
"vcn_information": {
"id": "1124960",
"pan": "541275XXXXXX9999",
"expiry": "2111",
"AVV": "435",
"status": "S",
"evcn_indicator": "false"
"addenda": [
"trip_leg": " ",
"rail_detail": " ",
"travel_agency": " "
"card_image": " ",
"supplier_details": {
"supplier_id": "227613",
"notify_supplier": "false"
"disable_card_image": "N"
Code | Description |
200 | Sample Description |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
500 | Internal Server Error |
502 | Bad gateway |
503 | Scheduled Maintenance |
504 | Gateway Timeout |
596 | Service Not Found |