Falcon services


Falcon services provide a comprehensive suite of fraud detection capabilities focused on monitoring and protecting payment card transactions and account activities. The system handles both monetary and nonmonetary data streams, combining account, customer, and transaction-level information to maintain a robust fraud detection framework.

Real-Time Authorization Engine

Instant transaction validation and decision-making for both credit and debit card purchases at point of sale.

Multi-Level Data Intelligence

Unified processing of account, customer, and card information for comprehensive fraud detection.

Dynamic Profile Management

Real-time updates and monitoring of customer profiles, travel notifications, and account changes.




PAN Information Summary








This record provides contains Primary Account Number (PAN)-level nonmonetary information. For Falcon Fraud Manager debit or credit usage, there are one or more PIS records for each account indicated by an Account Information Summary (AIS) record.


PAN Information Summary






curl --location --request POST '#{PARAM_URL}' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{ access_token }}' {custom_headers} --data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'
curl --location --request GET 'https://api-sandbox.network.global/v1/tokenkc/generate' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'
curl --location --request POST 'https://api-sandbox.network.global/v1/tokenkc/generate' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Authorization* requiredBearer xxxx* requiredstringAuthorization Header (Bearer Token)
Content-Type* requiredapplication/json* requiredstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
NISrvRequestrequest_PISheadermsg_id* requiredstring12Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID”
msg_type* requiredstring12Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION”
msg_function* requiredstring50Message functions: Should be “REP_FALCON_PIS”
src_application* requiredstring10Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems
target_application* requiredstring10The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call
timestamp* requiredstring30Timestamp of the request - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SS +04:00
bank_id* requiredstring4Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC”
bodytranCodestring3The action code. Note tranCode values must be greater or equal to 100.
sourcestring10Name of source application.Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed.
deststring10Name of destination application. Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed.
extendedHeaderstring1024Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned unaltered to, the requesting system.
workflowstring16Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager.
dataSpecificationVersionstring5the value 2 should be added
clientIdFromHeaderstring16Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO.
recordCreationDatestring8format yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT.
recordCreationTimestring6format hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT.
recordCreationMillisecondsstring3format sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created.
gmtOffsetstring6Filled with blanks.
customerIdFromHeaderstring20Primary Customer Identifier. Financial institution's unique identifier for the primary customer for the account.
customerAcctNumberstring40Unique identifier for the account associated with the transaction/record.
externalTransactionIdstring32Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager.
panstring19Primary Account Number (PAN) of the payment instrument. This is the number encoded or embossed on the payment instrument.
typestring1Type of the card: C = Credit card, D = Debit card, M = Multi-card (combined credit and debit), P = Pre-paid (stored value)
subTypestring2Card subtype: B = Commercial, corporate, business, purchasing, fleet, and so on.
categorystring1Card category: P = Platinum, G = Gold, S = Standard
associationstring1Credit card association under which the card was issued: A = AMEX, D = Discover, J = JCB, M = MasterCard, N = Diners Club, O = Other, P = Proprietary, V = Visa
panOpenDatestring8Date on which a card was first provided on the account.
memberSinceDatestring8Card member since date, as printed on the card.
issuingCountrystring3ISO numeric country code for the country from which the card was issued.
cardholderCitystring40PAN primary address: city
cardholderStateProvincestring5PAN primary address: state or province.
cardholderPostalCodestring10PAN primary address: postal code.
cardholderCountryCodestring3PAN primary address: ISO numeric country code.
numberOfPaymentIdsstring3Number of activated payment instruments for this Primary Account Number (PAN).
paymentInstrumentIdstring30Filled with blanks for initial PIS record for each PAN. For token provisioning, populated with most recent token or virtual card number.
statusstring2"Current card status: 00 = Open, non-statused, active 11 = Open, inactive 20 = Closed 21 = Closed, cardholder request 22 = Closed, bankruptcy or filing for bankruptcy 23 = Closed, bank action (revoked) 24 = Closed, charged-off 25 = Closed, fraud 26 = Closed, stolen 27 = Closed, lost 28 = Closed, deceased 29 = Closed, other 30 = Closed, due to inactivity 31 = Closed, non-fraud, transacted at point of compromise (POC) 32 = Closed, bank-initiated upgrade of card technology 33 = Closed, customer verified attempted fraud 40 = Statused, other (blocked)"
statusDatestring8Effective date of current status.
pinLengthstring2Length of PIN.
pinSetDatestring8Date on which the PIN was last set.
pinTypestring1Type of PIN: I = Issuer selected, C = Customer selected, Blank = Unknown
activeIndicatorstring1PAN activation indicator: Y = Yes, N = No
nameOnInstrumentstring40Name that appears on the payment instrument(s). Fill with blanks if the name is not the same for all payment instruments with the specified PAN.
expirationDatestring8PAN expiration date.
lastIssueDatestring8PAN issue date.
plasticIssueTypestring1Card issue type for most recently issued payment instrument: F = Force emboss, I = Initial issue, R = Normal reissue, S = Special reissue, T = Token or virtual card issue, Blank = Unknown/other
incentivestring1Incentive program associated with the PAN, if any. Valid values: A = Auto discount, C = Cash back, F = Frequent-flier miles, G = Gas discount, H = Charity contribution, I = Internet discount, L = Telephone discount, M = Merchandise rebate, O = Other, R = General purpose points/rewards, N = None
currencyCodestring3ISO numeric currency code. This is the currency unit used for all currency-based fields.
currencyConversionRatestring13The multiplicative currency conversion rate that is used to convert the currency specified in currencyCode to US dollars.
creditLimitstring10Credit limit for the PAN. Expressed in full units of the currency specified in currencyCode.
overdraftLimitstring10Overdraft limit for the PAN. Expressed in full units of the currency specified in currencyCode.
dailyPosLimitstring10Daily limit for POS transactions for the PAN. Expressed in full units of the currency specified in currencyCode.
dailyCashLimitstring10Daily limit for cash (ATM) transactions for the PAN. Expressed in full units of the currency specified in currencyCode.
cashbackLimitModestring1Indicates which daily limit cashback counts towards: 0 = No daily limits, 1 = Cashback debited from POS limit, 2 = Cashback debited from CASH limit, 3 = Cashback debited from POS limit and CASH limit, 4 = Cashback not debited from POS limit or CASH limit
mediaTypestring1Medium carrying the payment information: C = Chip card, D = Contactless-capable chip card, M = Magnetic-stripe card, N = Contactless
aipStaticstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Static Data Authentication (SDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile: Y = SDA is supported, N = SDA is not supported, Blank = Unknown/not provided.
aipDynamicstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile: Y = DDA is supported, N = DDA is not supported, Blank = Unknown/not provided.
aipVerifystring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Cardholder Verification as part of the Application Interchange Profile: Y = Cardholder Verification is supported, N = Cardholder Verification is not supported, Blank = Unknown/not provided.
aipRiskstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to perform Terminal Risk Management as part of the Application Interchange Profile: Y = Terminal Risk Management is to be performed, N = Terminal Risk Management is not to be performed, Blank = Unknown/not provided.
aipIssuerAuthenticationstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Issuer Authentication as part of the Application Interchange Profile: Y = Issuer Authentication is supported, N = Issuer Authentication is not supported, Blank = Unknown/not provided.
aipCombinedstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support DDA/AC Generation (CDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile: Y = CDA is supported, N = CDA is not supported, Blank = Unknown/not provided.
chipSpecificationstring1Chip specification: V = VIS, C = CCD, M = M/Chip, Blank = Unknown/not provided.
chipSpecVersionstring3Chip specification version. Examples: 140 = Version 1.4, 210 = Version 2.1, 400 = Version 4.0.
offlineLowerLimitstring2Lower consecutive off-line limit for card. Blank = Unknown/not provided.
offlineUpperLimitstring2Upper consecutive off-line limit for card. Blank = Unknown/not provided.
userIndicator01string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator02string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator03string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator04string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator05string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userCode1string6User-defined information.
userCode2string6User-defined information.
userCode3string6User-defined information.
userCode4string8User-defined information.
userCode5string8User-defined information.
userData01string6User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData02string6User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData03string6User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData04string8User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData05string8User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData06string8User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData07string10User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.

    "NISrvRequest": {
        "request_PIS": {
            "header": {
                "msg_id": "236001",
                "msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
                "msg_function": "REP_FALCON_PIS",
                "src_application": "TIBCO",
                "target_application": "FALCON",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-20T10:49:02.366+04:00",
                "bank_id": "default"
            "body": {
                "tranCode": "102",
                "source": "TIBCO",
                "dest": "FALCON",
                "extendedHeader": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
                "workflow": "modelSTUB",
                "recordType": "PIS20",
                "dataSpecificationVersion": "2.0",
                "clientIdFromHeader": "D360",
                "recordCreationDate": "20230912",
                "recordCreationTime": "160912",
                "recordCreationMilliseconds": "234",
                "gmtOffset": "+03.00",
                "customerIdFromHeader": "12345000000001",
                "customerAcctNumber": "0009991110000000001",
                "externalTransactionId": "D360PIS000000000001",
                "pan": "1234567890123456789",
                "type": "C",
                "subType": "B",
                "category": "P",
                "association": "M",
                "panOpenDate": "20220101",
                "memberSinceDate": "20190101",
                "issuingCountry": "840",
                "cardholderCity": "New York",
                "cardholderStateProvince": "NY",
                "cardholderPostalCode": "10001",
                "cardholderCountryCode": "840",
                "numberOfPaymentIds": "3",
                "paymentInstrumentId": "123456789012345678901234567890",
                "status": "00",
                "statusDate": "20220101",
                "pinLength": "4",
                "pinSetDate": "20220101",
                "pinType": "I",
                "activeIndicator": "Y",
                "nameOnInstrument": "John Doe",
                "expirationDate": "20251231",
                "lastIssueDate": "20220101",
                "plasticIssueType": "F",
                "incentive": "A",
                "currencyCode": "840",
                "currencyConversionRate": "1.234567",
                "creditLimit": "10000",
                "overdraftLimit": "5000",
                "dailyPosLimit": "2000",
                "dailyCashLimit": "1000",
                "cashbackLimitMode": "1",
                "mediaType": "D",
                "aipStatic": "Y",
                "aipDynamic": "Y",
                "aipVerify": "Y",
                "aipRisk": "Y",
                "aipIssuerAuthentication": "Y",
                "aipCombined": "Y",
                "chipSpecification": "V",
                "chipSpecVersion": "140",
                "offlineLowerLimit": "05",
                "offlineUpperLimit": "15",
                "userIndicator01": "A",
                "userIndicator02": "B",
                "userIndicator03": "C",
                "userIndicator04": "D",
                "userIndicator05": "E",
                "userCode1": "UC1",
                "userCode2": "UC2",
                "userCode3": "UC3",
                "userCode4": "UC4",
                "userCode5": "UC5",
                "userData01": "U DAT1",
                "userData02": "U DAT2",
                "userData03": "U DAT3",
                "userData04": "USR DAT4",
                "userData05": "USR DAT5",
                "userData06": "USR DAT6",
                "userData07": "USER DAT07"

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Content-Typeapplication/jsonstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
NISrvResponseresponse_PISheadermsg_id* requiredstring12Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID”
msg_type* requiredstring12Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION”
msg_function* requiredstring50Message functions: Should be “REP_PIS”
src_application* requiredstring10Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems
target_application* requiredstring10The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call
timestamp* requiredstring15Timestamp of the response - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SSS+04:00
bank_id* requiredstring4Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC”
exception_detailsapplication_name* requiredstring20Application Name
date_time* requiredstring30Timestamp of the response Format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”
status* requiredstring1Status of the request (S/F)
error_code* requiredstring4EAI Internal Error Code (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions)
error_description* requiredstring100Error Description (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions)
transaction_ref_idstring20The tracking_id sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field.
bodytran_code* requirednumber3The transaction code. 101 for auth, 102 for advice, 108 for profile maturation.
source* requiredstring10Name of source application. Note: A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and destination values are reversed.
destination* requiredstring10Name of destination application.
extended_header* requiredstring1024Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned/unaltered to, the requesting system. For example: Tracking identifier used by requesting system.
responseRecordVersion* requiredstring1The response_record_version specifies the version of the scoring response layout. This field is included to support building libraries that support reading multiple versions of scoring response messages.
scoreCount* requiredstring2This field specifies the number of scores in the response message and has values from 0 to 8.
decisionCount* requiredstring2This field specifies the number of decisions in the response message and has values from 0 to 10.

    "NISrvResponse": {
        "response_PIS": {
            "header": {
                "msg_id": "236001",
                "msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
                "msg_function": "REP_FALCON_PIS",
                "src_application": "TIBCO",
                "target_application": "FALCON",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-20T06:49:02.366Z",
                "bank_id": "default"
            "exception_details": {
                "application_name": "TCC-ADP",
                "date_time": "2023-02-01T16:39:47.314+04:00",
                "status": "S",
                "error_code": "000",
                "error_description": "Success",
                "transaction_ref_id": "236001"
            "body": {
                "tran_code": 101,
                "source": "PMAX",
                "destination": "TIBCO",
                "extended_header": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
                "responseRecordVersion": "4",
                "scoreCount": "00",
                "decisionCount": "0"

Code Description
200Sample Description
400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error
502Bad gateway
503Scheduled Maintenance
504Gateway Timeout
596Service Not Found