Falcon services


Falcon services provide a comprehensive suite of fraud detection capabilities focused on monitoring and protecting payment card transactions and account activities. The system handles both monetary and nonmonetary data streams, combining account, customer, and transaction-level information to maintain a robust fraud detection framework.

Real-Time Authorization Engine

Instant transaction validation and decision-making for both credit and debit card purchases at point of sale.

Multi-Level Data Intelligence

Unified processing of account, customer, and card information for comprehensive fraud detection.

Dynamic Profile Management

Real-time updates and monitoring of customer profiles, travel notifications, and account changes.




Credit Authorization








A Credit Authorization data feed contains information about a credit authorization request. A credit authorization request occurs when the card is presented to the merchant and the merchant sends the information about the purchase to the card issuer to determine whether the purchase should proceed or not. A Credit Posting data feed contains information about a credit transaction that has already occurred and is used to tell the issuer about the transaction.


Credit Authorization






curl --location --request POST '#{PARAM_URL}' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{ access_token }}' {custom_headers} --data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'
curl --location --request GET 'https://api-sandbox.network.global/v1/tokenkc/generate' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'
curl --location --request POST 'https://api-sandbox.network.global/v1/tokenkc/generate' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Authorization* requiredBearer xxxx* requiredstringAuthorization Header (Bearer Token)
Content-Type* requiredapplication/json* requiredstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
NISrvRequestrequest_crtranheadermsg_id* requiredstring12Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID”
msg_type* requiredstring12Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION”
msg_function* requiredstring50Message functions: Should be “REQ_FALCON_crtran”
src_application* requiredstring10Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO,IVR, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems
target_application* requiredstring10The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call
timestamp* requiredstring30Timestamp of the request - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SS +04:00
bank_id* requiredstring4Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC”
bodytranCodestring3The action code. Note tranCode values must be greater or equal to 100.
sourcestring10Name of source application.Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed.
deststring10Name of destination application. Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed.
extendedHeaderstring1024Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned unaltered to, the requesting system.
workflowstring16Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager.
dataSpecificationVersionstring5the value 2 should be added
clientIdFromHeaderstring16Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO.
recordCreationDatestring8format yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT.
recordCreationTimestring6format hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT.
recordCreationMillisecondsstring3format sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created.
gmtOffsetstring6Filled with blanks.
customerIdFromHeaderstring20Primary Customer Identifier. Financial institution's unique identifier for the primary customer for the account.
customerAcctNumberstring40Unique identifier for the account associated with the transaction/record.
externalTransactionIdstring32Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager.
panstring19Primary Account Number (PAN) of the payment instrument. This is the number encoded or embossed on the payment instrument.
authPostFlagstring1Type of transaction: - A = Authorization or other payment-card-initiated transaction (for example, available funds inquiry at ATM). - P = Posting
cardPostalCodestring9Deprecated. Cardholder ZIP or postal code.
cardSeqNumstring3The sequence number for the chip card, if used.
openDatestring8Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd. Date account was opened.
plasticIssueDatestring8Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd. Date of last plastic issue.
plasticIssueTypestring1Deprecated. Plastic issue type: - F = Force emboss (plastic reissued due to customer request, replacement for lost/stolen, emergency plastic, option change) - I = Initial issue (first plastic issued on the account) - R = Normal reissue - S = Special reissue (due to an issuer's special project) - T = Token or virtual card issue - Blank = Unknown/other
acctExpireDatestring8Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd. Expiration date from cardholder file.
cardExpireDatestring8Expiration date from card, transmitted with transaction data.
availableCreditstring10Available credit before this transaction, expressed in full units of the currency. This value may change based on the type of transaction if the financial institution uses different limits for cash and merchandise transactions. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode.
creditLinestring10Deprecated. Format: nnnnnnnnnn. Credit line applied to this transaction, expressed in full units of the currency. This value may change based on the type of transaction if the financial institution uses different limits for cash and merchandise transactions. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode.
tokenizationIndicatorstring1Tokenization issue type: - C = Card on File - H = Host Card Emulation (Cloud-Based Payment) - O = Other tokenization type - Q = Quick Response Code - S = Secure Element - Blank = Transaction is not tokenized - Deprecated values: - M = Mobile device enabled token - N = One time use token - W = Digital wallet
tokenExpirationDatestring4Date the token expires. Network provides in 4 bytes YYMM.
consumerAuthenticationScorestring3Payment-card network consumer authentication risk score.
incomeOrCashBackstring10Deprecated. Format: nnnnnnnnnn. Cash-back amount if transactionType = B (merchandise with cash back). Otherwise, annual income (blank if income data not available). Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode.
cavvResultstring1The CAVV (Cardholder Authentication Verification Value) result. Valid values: - 0 = CAVV could not be verified - 1 = CAVV failed verification-authentication - 2 = CAVV passed verification-authentication - 3 = CAVV passed verification-attempted authentication. Issuer attempts CAVV key was used to generate the CAVV. - 4 = CAVV failed verification-attempted authentication. Issuer attempts CAVV key was used to generate the CAVV. - 6 = CAVV not verified, issuer not participating - 7 = CAVV failed verification-attempted authentication. Visa CAVV attempts key was used to generate the CAVV. - 8 = CAVV passed verification-attempted authentication. Visa CAVV attempts key was used to generate the CAVV. - 9 = CAVV failed verification-attempted authentication - A = CAVV failed verification-attempted authentication - B = CAVV passed verification-attempted authentication, no liability shift - C = CAVV was not verified-attempted authentication - D = CAVV was not verified-cardholder authentication - Blank = not present or not verified
cardUsestring1Deprecated. Card use. Valid values are as follows: - B = Business (small) - C = Business (corporate travel and entertainment) - G = Government - O = Other - P = Personal - R = Brokerage - S = Business (purchasing) - Blank = Unknown
transactionDatestring8Format: yyyymmdd. Date of transaction. Time zone is specified by gmtOffset.
transactionTimestring6Format: hhmmss. Time of transaction. Time zone is specified by gmtOffset.
transactionAmountstring13Transaction amount; always a positive number or zero, regardless of entry in transactionType field. Amount is expressed in currency unit specified in transactionCurrencyCode. If transactionType is B (cash-back) then transactionAmount is the total of the merchandise amount and the cash-back amount. If transactionType is C (ATM cash) then transactionAmount should be the total of the disbursed amount and fees. For ATM withdrawals, the amount is not zeroed out on decline. For ATM balance inquiries, this field is set to zero.
transactionCurrencyCodestring3ISO numeric currency code. This is the currency unit used for all currency-based fields.
transactionCurrencyConversionRatestring13The multiplicative currency conversion rate that is used to convert the currency specified in transactionCurrencyCode to US dollars. The number of US dollars in the currency specified in transactionCurrencyCode.
authDecisionCodestring1Authorization Decision Code: - A = Approve - B = Partial approval (a portion of the funds is approved) - D = Decline - I = Approve with positive ID - P = Pick up card - R = Refer - Blank = Unknown/other
transactionTypestring1Transaction type: - A = Address verification only - B = Purchase with cash back - C = Cash - E = Initial authentication (ATM) - F = Reserved - I = ATM available funds inquiry - M = Purchase - O = Other - P = Pre-authorization - R = Crediting funds to the account - U = Automated recurring charge - X = Reversal - Z = Completion of previously pre-authorized transaction - Blank = Unknown - Deprecated: - J = ATM deposit
mccstring4Merchant Category Code (MCC).
merchantPostalCodestring9Merchant ZIP or postal code.
merchantCountryCodestring3Merchant ISO numeric country code.
pinVerifyCodestring1PIN verification: - I = Invalid - V = Valid - X = PIN entered but not verified or verification results unknown - Y = PIN not entered, not using a card association network - Z = PIN not entered, using a card association network - Deprecated value: - P = PVKI value zero or blank - Blank = not checked
cvvVerifyCodestring1CVV/CVC, CVV2/CVC2, dCVV/CVC3, or iCVV/Chip CVC outcome, as appropriate for the POS entry mode: - I = Invalid - V = Valid - Blank = Not checked or outcome of check unknown - Deprecated values: - N = Track data not present or insufficient - Z = CVV/CVC value zero or blank
posEntryModestring1POS entry mode: - C = Contactless magnetic stripe - D = Contactless microchip card - E = E-commerce - F = Fallback to magnetic stripe read on chip card that is unreadable at chip-enabled terminal - G = Fallback to keyed entry on chip card that is unreadable at chip-enabled terminal - K = Keyed (manual) - S = Magnetic stripe read; CVC/CVV checking may not be possible - T = Chip read; CVC/CVV checking may not be possible - U = Magnetic stripe read - V = Chip read - X = Contactless entry using bar code reader - Y = Contactless entry using optical character reader - Blank = Unknown/other
postDatestring8Format: yyyymmdd. Authorization: Blank. Posting: Date posting was processed.
authPostMiscIndicatorstring1This field indicates if the posting was authorized. Valid values: - N = No - Y = Yes - Blank = Unknown/Not Posting
mismatchIndicatorstring1Indicator for controlling case creation based on results from standard checks performed prior to Falcon. Mismatch Indicator: - Blank = Do not force case creation - Any other value = Create case If you use Falcon Expert, create a rule to use this field.
caseCreationIndicatorstring1Case creation indicator: - Blank = Do not force case creation. - Any other value = Create case.
userIndicator01string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userIndicator02string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData01string10User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData02string10User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
onUsMerchantIdstring10Deprecated. Merchant identifier (from merchant flat-file database). For Point-of-Service (POS) transactions, this is the merchant identifier. For ATM transactions, it is the ATM identifier.
merchantDataProvidedstring1Deprecated. Specifies whether the merchant data fields in this record have been populated by the Scoring Server Client Application or not. Must be set to agree with the action code (online) or semaphore (batch) semantics used to process the record as the functionality is controlled by the action-code/semaphore semantics, not the value specified here: - Y = Yes. Used for action-codes/semaphores configured not to populate the merchant data fields before model execution. - N = No. Used for action-codes/semaphores configured to populate the merchant data fields before model execution. The merchant data is retrieved from the Scoring Server's merchant flat-file database; the record is identified by the onUsMerchantId field.
idMethodstring1The ID method: - 0 = not specified - 1 = signature - 2 = online PIN - 3 = unattended terminal, no PIN pad - 4 = mail/telephone/electronic commerce - P = online PIN verification - S = can signify signature - Numeric values indicate Visa responses, and letter values indicate Mastercard responses.
externalScore1string4External score for use by another process.
externalScore2string4External score for use by another process.
externalScore3string4External score for use by another process.
customerPresentstring1Is cardholder present during transaction? Valid values: - Y = Yes - N = No - Blank = Unknown
atmOwnerstring1ATM owner, if mcc = 6011: - B = Issuers (financial institutions) own ATM terminal (On-us transaction) - C = Other financial institution, credit union or thrift owned terminal - M = Merchant or ISO owned terminal - O = Other owner - U = unknown - Blank for other mcc codes.
randomDigitsstring2Random digits used to define random selections of cardholders for the testing of rules and models.
portfoliostring14Name of the portfolio (segment of the account base) to which this account belongs.
tokenRequestorIdstring14Token Requestor ID.
acquirerBinstring6ID of acquiring financial institution.
merchantNamestring40Merchant name (or address).
merchantCitystring30Merchant city.
merchantStatestring3Merchant state (or country).
caseSuppressionIndicatorstring1Case suppression indicator. Valid values: - Blank = Do not prevent case creation. - Any other value = Prevent case creation.
userIndicator03string5User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userIndicator04string5User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData03string15User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData04string20User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData05string40User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
realtimeRequeststring1Authorization: Real-time-response indicator. Blank = Respond in real time if transaction code calls for response. Any other value = Do not respond in real time. Posting: Blank.
padResponsestring1Authorization: Prior Action Database (PAD) response code, for use with Falcon Expert Authorization Response Module (ARM) rules. The values are determined by the client. - A = Approved - D = Declined - I = Approved with positive ID - P = Picked up card - R = Short referral - C = Continuous referral - N = Never refer - Blank = Unknown Posting: Blank.
padActionExpireDatestring8Authorization: Date through which PAD action remains valid, for use with ARM rules. Posting: Blank.
tokenIdstring19Payment Token.
cardAipStaticstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Static Data Authentication (SDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile.
cardAipDynamicstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile.
cardAipVerifystring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Cardholder Verification as part of the Application Interchange Profile.
cardAipRiskstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to perform Terminal Risk Management as part of the Application Interchange Profile.
cardAipIssuerAuthenticationstring1Indicates the ability of a chip card to support Issuer Authentication as part of the Application Interchange Profile.
cardAipCombinedstring1Indicates whether a chip card supports combined DDA/AC Generation (CDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile.
authIndicatorstring1The authentication indicator.
cardDelinquentAmountstring13Total delinquent amount as of last cycle.
cardCashBalancestring13Cash balance on the last statement.
cardMerchandiseBalancestring13Merchandise balance as of last statement.
expandedBINstring12The first 8-12 digits of the card number (pan).
cardMediaTypestring1Card medium carrying the information.
cvv2Presentstring1Presence indicator for Card Identification Number (CIN), CVC2, or CVV2.
cvv2Responsestring1Response to a CVV2 request. See field 44.10 in the Visa specification or Data Element 48, Subelement 87 of the MasterCard specification: - M = CVV2 match - N = CVV2 no match - P = CVV2 not processed - S = CVV2 should be on the card - U = Issuer is not certified or has not provided encryption keys to association. - Blank = Unknown or not applicable
avsResponsestring1Response to an AVS (Address Verification Service) request. See field 44.2 in the Visa specification or Data Element 48, Subelement 83 of the MasterCard specification: - A = AVS address only - N = AVS no match - R = AVS system unavailable - S = AVS not supported - U = AVS no data - W = AVS ZIP nine - X = AVS exact - Y = AVS ZIP five address - Z = AVS ZIP five only - Blank = Unknown/not provided
transactionCategorystring1Method used for the transaction: - A = Automatic/recurring - I = Internet - M = Mail - N = Card not present, Cardholder present - P = Card present - O = Other - T = Telephone
acquirerIdstring12ID code of the acquiring institution (ISO 8583 field 32). - Blank = Unknown/not provided
acquirerCountrystring3ISO numeric country code of the acquiring institution for the merchant or ATM (ISO 8583 field 19). - Blank = Unknown/not provided
terminalIdstring16The ID number of the terminal at which the authorization was initiated. - Blank = Unknown/not provided
terminalTypestring1Code that identifies the type of POS terminal: - A = Attended terminal - L = Limited amount terminal requiring no cardholder verification - I = Internet/telephone - U = Unattended terminal, not specified elsewhere - Blank = Unknown or not applicable
terminalEntryCapabilitystring1Terminal entry capability. Indicates the terminal's ability to read account numbers and expiration dates from cards: - C = Chip card read capability - D = Contactless chip card read capability - K = Key entry only (card present) - M = Magnetic stripe read capability - N = Contactless magnetic stripe read capability - O = Other - Z = No terminal used (card not present) - Blank = Unknown - Deprecated values for Visa transactions: - 0 = Unknown - 1 = Terminal not used - 2 = Magnetic stripe read capability - 3 = Bar code read capability - 4 = OCR read capability - 5 = Chip read capability - 8 = Proximity-read-capable terminal - 9 = Terminal does not read card data - Deprecated values for MasterCard transactions: - 0 = Unknown or unspecified - 1 = No terminal used (voice/ARU authorized) - 2 = Magnetic stripe reader - 3 = Contactless chip reader - 4 = Contactless magnetic stripe reader - 5 = Magnetic stripe reader and EMV specification compatible chip reader - 6 = Key entry only - 7 = Magnetic stripe reader and key entry - 8 = Magnetic stripe reader and key entry and EMV specification compatible chip reader - 9 = EMV specification compatible chip reader
posConditionCodestring2A code identifying transaction conditions at the point of sale or point of service: - 00 = Normal transaction of this type - 01 = Customer not present - 02 = Unattended acceptance terminal, customer operated - 03 = Merchant suspicious of transaction or card - 05 = Customer present, card not present - 06 = Completion advice - 08 = Mail/telephone order/recurring transaction - 10 = Customer identity verified - 51 = Request for account number or address verification without authorization - 55 = Request for telecode verification without authorization - 59 = E-commerce request through public network - 71 = Card present, magnetic stripe cannot be read - Blank = Unknown/not provided
networkIdstring1Network identification: - B = Financial institution's ATM - C = Cirrus - D = Discover - E = Pulse - F = AFFN (Armed Forces Financial Network) - G = American Express - H = Co-op - I = Interlink - J = Jeanie - K = Credit Union 24 - L = AllPoint - M = MasterCard/Maestro - N = Interac - O = Other - P = Plus - Q = Presto - S = Star - T = Shazam - V = Visa - X = Accel/Exchange - Y = NYCE
RESERVED_01string1Reserved. Fill with blanks.
checkNumberstring6Deprecated. The number printed on the check. Used only for convenience checks (transactionType = K) and balance transfer checks (transactionType = T).
terminalVerificationResultsstring10Indicates the application status as registered at the terminal (Terminal Verification Results). - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
cardVerificationResultsstring10The card verification results (CVR) indicate that exception conditions occurred during the current and previous transactions, as seen by the card. The first two bytes indicate the length of the field if the Visa Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS) is being followed. - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
cryptogramValidstring1Indicates whether the authorization request cryptogram was valid: - I = Invalid - V = Valid - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
atcCardstring5Application transaction counter for chip cards or contactless cards. Counter maintained by the application in the ICC and incremented whenever the application is selected. - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
atcHoststring5Application transaction counter for chip cards or contactless cards, as held on the host system, for the last online transaction. - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
tokenAssuranceLevelstring2Contains a two-digit value ranging from 00 to 99 indicating the confidence level of the token to PAN/cardholder relationship. Provided by the Token Service Provider.
secondFactorAuthCodestring2The second factor authentication code. Numeric values indicate Visa responses, and letter values indicate Mastercard responses. Valid values: - Visa: 00 to 99 - Mastercard: J, H, KA to KN, etc.
cavvKeyIndicatorstring2The CAVV key indicator: - 01 to 08 = Issuer CAVV and/or CAAV attempts key set. - 10 to 11 = Association CAAV attempts key set.
recurringAuthExpireDatestring8Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd. The date after which no recurring authorizations should be performed. For transactionType = U.
cardAssociationstring1Deprecated. Credit card association under which the card was issued: - A = AMEX - D = Discover - J = JCB - M = MasterCard - N = Diners Club - O = Other - V = Visa.
cardIncentivestring1Deprecated. Incentive program associated with the card, if any: - A = Auto discount - C = Cash back - F = Frequent-flier miles - G = Gas discount - H = Charity contribution - I = Internet discount - M = Merchandise rebate - O = Other - R = General purpose points/rewards - Blank = None.
eciIndicatorstring2The ECI indicator. Valid values: - 0 to 8: Various transaction classifications. - Blank = Unknown/Other.
cardStatusDatestring8Deprecated. Format: yyyymmdd. Effective date of the current status.
processorAuthReasonCodestring5Processor's own code identifying the reason for the authorization decision. - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
standinAdvicestring1Valid values: - A = Association advice (stand-in) - Blank = No advice.
merchantIdstring16Merchant ID (Card Acceptor ID).
cardOrderstring1Deprecated. The card order indicates the card used: - 1 = Primary card - 2 = Secondary card - ... - 9 = Ninth card or beyond - Blank = Unknown.
cashbackAmountstring13Format: nnnnnnnnnn.nn. Cash-back amount if `transactionType = B` (merchandise with cashback). Amount given in cash back on a merchandise transaction. Expressed in the currency unit specified in `transactionCurrencyCode`.
userData06string13User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData07string40User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
paymentInstrumentIdstring30Unique identifier for the payment instrument.
avsRequeststring1AVS (Address Verification Service) request indicator: - 1 = AVS only (Must have `transactionType = A` and `transactionAmount = 0`). - 2 = AVS and authorization request. - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
cvrOfflinePinVerificationPerformedstring1Offline PIN verification indicator from Card Verification Results: - 1 = Offline PIN verification performed. - 0 = Offline PIN verification not performed. - Blank = Unknown or not applicable.
cvrOfflinePinVerificationFailedstring1Offline PIN verification failure indicator from Card Verification Results: - 1 = Offline PIN verification failed. - 0 = Offline PIN verification successful. - Blank = Unknown or not applicable.
cvrPinTryLimitExceededstring1Offline PIN try limit indicator from Card Verification Results: - 1 = Offline PIN try limit exceeded. - 0 = Offline PIN try limit not exceeded. - Blank = Unknown or not applicable.
posUnattendedstring1Unattended terminal indicator: - 1 = Unattended terminal. - 0 = Attended terminal. - Blank = Unknown/other.
posOffPremisesstring1Off-premises terminal indicator: - 1 = Off-premises terminal. - 0 = On-premises terminal. - Blank = Unknown/other.
posCardCapturestring1Terminal card-capture capability indicator: - 1 = Terminal has card-capture capabilities. - 0 = Terminal does not have card-capture capabilities. - Blank = Unknown/other.
posSecuritystring1Transaction security indicator: - 0 = No security concern. - 1 = Merchant suspicious. - 2 = Customer identity verified. - Blank = Unknown/not provided.
authIdstring6Authorization Identification Response.
userData08string10User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData09string10User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userIndicator05string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userIndicator06string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userIndicator07string5User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userIndicator08string5User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
modelControl1string1This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality.
modelControl2string1This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality.
modelControl3string1This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality.
modelControl4string1This field is used to control Falcon and Fraud Predictor model-specific features. See the model report for information on supported functionality.
authExpireDateVerifystring1Valid values: - I = Invalid. - V = Valid. - X = Expiration date present but not checked or verification results unknown. - Z = Expiration date not present in authorization message.
authSecondaryVerifystring1Secondary authentication outcome: - CNP Transactions: Outcome of Verified by Visa or Mastercard SecureCode check. - CP/ATM Transactions: Outcome of secondary authentication (2nd PIN, birthdates, etc.): - I = Invalid. - V = Valid. - U = Transaction covered, outcome unknown. - Blank = Not checked or no secondary authentication.
authResponseCodestring1Valid values: - A = Approve. - C = CVV/CVC failure. - D = Expiration date mismatch. - E = Account closed or Expired card. - F = Suspected fraud or lost/stolen card. - I = Insufficient funds. - L = Exceeds withdrawal amount limit. - M = Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit. - N = No such account (checking, savings, or credit). - O = Other decline reason. - P = Incorrect PIN. - Q = Incorrect secondary PIN/authentication. - R = ATC out of range for contactless or chip transaction. - T = Allowable PIN tries exceeded. - U = Incorrect password. - V = Allowable password tries exceeded. - W = Allowable secondary PIN/authentication tries exceeded.
segmentId1string6Segmentation ID. Reserved for FICO modeling.
segmentId2string6Segmentation ID. Reserved for FICO modeling.
segmentId3string6Segmentation ID. Reserved for FICO modeling.
segmentId4string6Segmentation ID. Reserved for FICO modeling.

    "NISrvRequest": {
        "request_crtran": {
            "header": {
                "msg_id": "236001",
                "msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
                "msg_function": "REQ_FALCON_crtran",
                "src_application": "TIBCO",
                "target_application": "FALCON",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-20T10:49:02.366+04:00",
                "bank_id": "default"
            "body": {
                "tranCode": "102",
                "source": "TIBCO",
                "dest": "FALCON",
                "extendedHeader": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
                "workflow": "modelSTUB",
                "recordType": "crtran20",
                "dataSpecificationVersion": "2.0",
                "clientIdFromHeader": "D360",
                "recordCreationDate": "20230912",
                "recordCreationTime": "160912",
                "recordCreationMilliseconds": "234",
                "gmtOffset": "+03.00",
                "customerIdFromHeader": "12345000000001",
                "customerAcctNumber": "0009991110000000001",
                "externalTransactionId": "D360crtran000000000001",
                "pan": "1234567890123456789",
                "authPostFlag": "A",
                "cardPostalCode": "12345",
                "cardSeqNum": "001",
                "openDate": "20220101",
                "plasticIssueDate": "20220101",
                "plasticIssueType": "F",
                "acctExpireDate": "20231231",
                "cardExpireDate": "20231231",
                "availableCredit": "-5000",
                "creditLine": "10000",
                "tokenizationIndicator": "C",
                "tokenExpirationDate": "2401",
                "consumerAuthenticationScore": "85",
                "incomeOrCashBack": "1000",
                "cavvResult": "2",
                "cardUse": "P",
                "transactionDate": "20230101",
                "transactionTime": "153000",
                "transactionAmount": "1500.00",
                "transactionCurrencyCode": "840",
                "transactionCurrencyConversionRate": "1.234567",
                "authDecisionCode": "A",
                "transactionType": "M",
                "mcc": "5411",
                "merchantPostalCode": "12345",
                "merchantCountryCode": "840",
                "pinVerifyCode": "V",
                "cvvVerifyCode": "V",
                "posEntryMode": "V",
                "postDate": "20230101",
                "authPostMiscIndicator": "Y",
                "mismatchIndicator": "X",
                "caseCreationIndicator": "Y",
                "userIndicator01": "X",
                "userIndicator02": "X",
                "userData01": "Data",
                "userData02": "Data",
                "onUsMerchantId": "1234567890",
                "merchantDataProvided": "Y",
                "idMethod": "1",
                "externalScore1": "1234",
                "externalScore2": "5678",
                "externalScore3": "9101",
                "customerPresent": "Y",
                "atmOwner": "B",
                "randomDigits": "01",
                "portfolio": "Portfolio1",
                "tokenRequestorId": "TS12345678",
                "acquirerBin": "123456",
                "merchantName": "MerchantName",
                "merchantCity": "MerchantCity",
                "merchantState": "CA",
                "caseSuppressionIndicator": "Y",
                "userIndicator03": "Indicator",
                "userIndicator04": "Indicator",
                "userData03": "Data",
                "userData04": "Data",
                "userData05": "Data",
                "realtimeRequest": "Y",
                "padResponse": "A",
                "padActionExpireDate": "20230101",
                "tokenId": "1234567890123456",
                "cardAipStatic": "Y",
                "cardAipDynamic": "Y",
                "cardAipVerify": "Y",
                "cardAipRisk": "Y",
                "cardAipIssuerAuthentication": "Y",
                "cardAipCombined": "Y",
                "authIndicator": "1",
                "cardDelinquentAmount": "0.00",
                "cardCashBalance": "-100.00",
                "cardMerchandiseBalance": "500.00",
                "expandedBIN": "123456789012",
                "cardMediaType": "M",
                "cvv2Present": "1",
                "cvv2Response": "M",
                "avsResponse": "Y",
                "transactionCategory": "I",
                "acquirerId": "123456789012",
                "acquirerCountry": "840",
                "terminalId": "1234567890123456",
                "terminalType": "A",
                "terminalEntryCapability": "C",
                "posConditionCode": "00",
                "networkId": "B",
                "RESERVED_01": " ",
                "checkNumber": "123456",
                "terminalVerificationResults": "ABCDE12345",
                "cardVerificationResults": "ABCDE12345",
                "cryptogramValid": "V",
                "atcCard": "12345",
                "atcHost": "12345",
                "RESERVED_03": "  ",
                "tokenAssuranceLevel": "99",
                "secondFactorAuthCode": "03",
                "cavvKeyIndicator": "02",
                "recurringAuthExpireDate": "20240101",
                "cardAssociation": "V",
                "cardIncentive": "C",
                "eciIndicator": "5",
                "cardStatusDate": "20240101",
                "processorAuthReasonCode": "12345",
                "standinAdvice": "A",
                "merchantId": "1234567890123456",
                "cardOrder": "1",
                "cashbackAmount": "100.00",
                "userData06": "User-defined data",
                "userData07": "User-defined data",
                "paymentInstrumentId": "UniquePaymentInstrument12345",
                "avsRequest": "2",
                "cvrOfflinePinVerificationPerformed": "1",
                "cvrOfflinePinVerificationFailed": "0",
                "cvrPinTryLimitExceeded": "1",
                "posUnattended": "1",
                "posOffPremises": "1",
                "posCardCapture": "0",
                "posSecurity": "1",
                "authId": "123456",
                "userData08": "User-defined data",
                "userData09": "User-defined data",
                "userIndicator05": "1",
                "userIndicator06": "0",
                "userIndicator07": "12345",
                "userIndicator08": "12345",
                "modelControl1": "1",
                "modelControl2": "0",
                "modelControl3": "1",
                "modelControl4": "1",
                "authExpireDateVerify": "V",
                "authSecondaryVerify": "U",
                "authResponseCode": "A",
                "segmentId1": "SEG001",
                "segmentId2": "SEG002",
                "segmentId3": "SEG003",
                "segmentId4": "SEG004"

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Content-Typeapplication/jsonstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
NISrvResponseresponse_crtranheadermsg_id* requiredstring12Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID”
msg_type* requiredstring12Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION”
msg_function* requiredstring50Message functions: Should be “REP_FALCON_CRTRAN”
src_application* requiredstring10Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems
target_application* requiredstring10The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call
timestamp* requiredstring15Timestamp of the response - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SSS+04:00
bank_id* requiredstring4Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC”
exception_detailsapplication_name* requiredstring20Application Name
date_time* requiredstring30Timestamp of the response Format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”
status* requiredstring1Status of the request (S/F)
error_code* requiredstring4EAI Internal Error Code (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions)
error_description* requiredstring100Error Description (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions)
transaction_ref_idstring20The tracking_id sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field.
bodytran_code* requirednumber3The transaction code. 101 for auth, 102 for advice, 108 for profile maturation.
source* requiredstring10Name of source application. Note: A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and destination values are reversed.
destination* requiredstring10Name of destination application.
extended_header* requiredstring1024Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned/unaltered to, the requesting system. For example: Tracking identifier used by requesting system.
responseRecordVersion* requiredstring1The response_record_version specifies the version of the scoring response layout. This field is included to support building libraries that support reading multiple versions of scoring response messages.
scoreCount* requiredstring2This field specifies the number of scores in the response message and has values from 0 to 8.
decisionCount* requiredstring2This field specifies the number of decrtranions in the response message and has values from 0 to 10.

    "NISrvResponse": {
        "response_crtran": {
            "header": {
                "msg_id": "236001",
                "msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
                "msg_function": "REP_FALCON_CRTRAN",
                "src_application": "TIBCO",
                "target_application": "FALCON",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-20T06:49:02.366Z",
                "bank_id": "NIC"
            "exception_details": {
                "application_name": "TCC-ADP",
                "date_time": "2023-02-01T16:39:47.314+04:00",
                "status": "S",
                "error_code": "000",
                "error_description": "Success",
                "transaction_ref_id": "236001"
            "body": {
                "tran_code": 101,
                "source": "PMAX",
                "destination": "TIBCO",
                "extended_header": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
                "responseRecordVersion": "4",
                "scoreCount": "00",
                "decisionCount": "0"

Code Description
200Sample Description
400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error
502Bad gateway
503Scheduled Maintenance
504Gateway Timeout
596Service Not Found