Falcon services
Falcon services provide a comprehensive suite of fraud detection capabilities focused on monitoring and protecting payment card transactions and account activities. The system handles both monetary and nonmonetary data streams, combining account, customer, and transaction-level information to maintain a robust fraud detection framework.
Real-Time Authorization Engine
Instant transaction validation and decision-making for both credit and debit card purchases at point of sale.
Multi-Level Data Intelligence
Unified processing of account, customer, and card information for comprehensive fraud detection.
Dynamic Profile Management
Real-time updates and monitoring of customer profiles, travel notifications, and account changes.
Secure Card Data Handling
Robust PAN management system with secure mapping between cards and accounts.
Transaction Monitoring System
End-to-end tracking of retail banking transactions, payments, and fund movements.
Flexible Update Framework
Seamless integration of monetary and non-monetary data updates across all service levels.
Customer Information Summary
This record provides customer-level nonmonetary information, such as mailing address, telephone number, and relationship with the financial institution. There is one CIS record for each account.
Customer Information Summary
Node | Child Node | Type | Length | Description |
Authorization | Bearer xxxx | string | Authorization Header (Bearer Token) | |
Content-Type | application/json | string | Content Type |
Node Type | Type | Length | Description | |||||||
NISrvRequest | request_CIS | header | msg_id | string | 12 | Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID” | ||||
msg_type | string | 12 | Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION” | |||||||
msg_function | string | 50 | Message functions: Should be “REQ_FALCON_CIS” | |||||||
src_application | string | 10 | Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems | |||||||
target_application | string | 10 | The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call | |||||||
timestamp | string | 30 | Timestamp of the request - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SS +04:00 | |||||||
bank_id | string | 4 | Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC” | |||||||
body | tranCode | string | 3 | The action code. Note tranCode values must be greater or equal to 100. | ||||||
source | string | 10 | Name of source application.Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed. | |||||||
dest | string | 10 | Name of destination application. Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed. | |||||||
extendedHeader | string | 1024 | Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned unaltered to, the requesting system. | |||||||
workflow | string | 16 | Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager. | |||||||
recordType | string | 8 | CIS20. | |||||||
dataSpecificationVersion | string | 5 | the value 2 should be added | |||||||
clientIdFromHeader | string | 16 | Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO. | |||||||
recordCreationDate | string | 8 | format yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. | |||||||
recordCreationTime | string | 6 | format hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT. | |||||||
recordCreationMilliseconds | string | 3 | format sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created. | |||||||
gmtOffset | string | 6 | Filled with blanks. | |||||||
customerIdFromHeader | string | 20 | Primary Customer Identifier. Financial institution's unique identifier for the primary customer for the account. | |||||||
customerAcctNumber | string | 40 | Unique identifier for the account associated with the transaction/record. | |||||||
externalTransactionId | string | 32 | Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager. | |||||||
customerType | string | 1 | Reserved. Type of entity providing application. I = Individual M = Individual minor B = Small business C = Corporation G = Government O = Other | |||||||
vipType | string | 1 | Very Important Person (VIP) indicator S=Standard V=VIP | |||||||
relationshipStartDate | string | 8 | Date of first business relationship with the customer. | |||||||
numberOfAccounts | string | 5 | Total number of open accounts linked to this customer, regardless of account type. | |||||||
givenName | string | 30 | Given name of the customer. In the United States, this is the first name. | |||||||
middleName | string | 30 | Middle name of the customer. | |||||||
surname | string | 60 | Surname of the customer. In the United States, this is last name. | |||||||
title | string | 10 | Name prefix (for example, Mr., Mrs., Dr.). | |||||||
suffix | string | 10 | Name suffix of the customer (for example, Sr., Jr., III.). | |||||||
preferredGreeting | string | 60 | Preferred way to greet the customer in communications (for example, Mr. John Smith, Ms. Davis). | |||||||
preferredLanguage | string | 3 | Preferred customer language. This is typically a 2 or 3 character language code. | |||||||
mothersMaidenName | string | 60 | Maiden name of customer's mother. | |||||||
householdName | string | 60 | Reserved for future use. Family name of owner of the residence where the customer lives. | |||||||
streetLine1 | string | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 1. | |||||||
streetLine2 | string | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 2. | |||||||
streetLine3 | string | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 3. | |||||||
streetLine4 | string | 40 | Primary address: Street address line 4. | |||||||
city | string | 40 | Branch City | |||||||
stateProvince | string | 3 | Primary address: province or state. | |||||||
postalCode | string | 10 | Primary address: postal code. | |||||||
countryCode | string | 3 | Primary address: country. | |||||||
residenceStatus | string | 1 | Residence status: - O = Owns residence - R = Rents - F = Family owned - E = Employer provided - S = University/college/school - T = Other - U = Unknown | |||||||
dateAtAddress | string | 8 | Start date at current address. Format: yyyymmdd. | |||||||
secondaryAddrType | string | 1 | Secondary address type: - M = Mailing address - P = Post office box - O = Other classification - U = Unknown | |||||||
secondaryAddrStreetLine1 | string | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 1. | |||||||
secondaryAddrStreetLine2 | string | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 2. | |||||||
secondaryAddrStreetLine3 | string | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 3. | |||||||
secondaryAddrStreetLine4 | string | 40 | Secondary address: Street address line 4. | |||||||
secondaryAddrCity | string | 40 | Secondary address: city. | |||||||
secondaryAddrStateProvince | string | 3 | Secondary address: province or state. | |||||||
secondaryAddrPostalCode | string | 10 | Secondary address: postal code. | |||||||
secondaryAddrCountryCode | string | 3 | Secondary address: country. | |||||||
employer | string | 60 | Name of customer's employer. | |||||||
workAddrStreetLine1 | string | 40 | Work address: Street address line 1. | |||||||
workAddrStreetLine2 | string | 40 | Work address: Street address line 2. | |||||||
workAddrStreetLine3 | string | 40 | Work address: Street address line 3. | |||||||
workAddrStreetLine4 | string | 40 | Work address: Street address line 4. | |||||||
workAddrCity | string | 40 | Work address: city. | |||||||
workAddrStateProvince | string | 3 | Work address: province or state. | |||||||
workAddrPostalCode | string | 10 | Work address: postal code. | |||||||
workAddrCountryCode | string | 3 | Work address: country. | |||||||
employmentStatus | string | 3 | Employment status: - 400 = Private sector - 410 = Government sector - 420 = Business owner - 500 = Retired - 510 = Unemployed - 520 = Student - 530 = Subsidiary incomer - Blank = Unknown | |||||||
employmentStartDate | string | 8 | Start date at current employer. Format: yyyymmdd. | |||||||
employerMcc | string | 4 | Reserved. Merchant Category Code (MCC) or Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) of employer. | |||||||
occupationCode | string | 4 | Occupation or Job Code of the customer using ISCO-08 (International Standard Classification of Occupations). | |||||||
income | string | 16 | Current monthly salary, expressed in full units of the currency specified in currencyCode. | |||||||
currencyCode | string | 3 | ISO 4217 three-digit numeric currency code. This is the currency unit used for all currency-based fields. | |||||||
currencyConversionRate | string | 13 | The multiplicative currency conversion rate that is used to convert the currency specified in currencyCode to US dollars. The number of US dollars in the currency specified in currencyCode. Format nnnnnn.nnnnnn | |||||||
homePhone | string | 24 | Home telephone number of the customer. | |||||||
secondaryPhone | string | 24 | Secondary telephone number of the customer. | |||||||
workPhone | string | 24 | Work telephone number of the customer. | |||||||
mobilePhone | string | 24 | Mobile phone number of the customer. | |||||||
preferredPhone | string | 1 | Preferred phone number when contacting customer: - H = Home - S = Secondary - W = Work - M = Mobile | |||||||
emailAddress | string | 40 | The email address provided by the customer. | |||||||
educationalStatus | string | 1 | Highest educational level attained by the customer: - L = Less than high school - H = High school - GED - C = College 2 years - AA - B = Bachelor's degree - M = Master's degree - P = Professional degree (law, business, medical) - D = Doctorate - O = Other - U = Unknown | |||||||
birthDate | string | 8 | Customer's date of birth. Format: yyyymmdd. | |||||||
birthCountry | string | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for country of birth. | |||||||
citizenshipCountry | string | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for country of citizenship. | |||||||
nationalId | string | 16 | Primary Identification Number provided by the customer. In the United States, this is the Social Security number. | |||||||
nationalIdCountry | string | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for national identification number. | |||||||
passportNumber | string | 16 | Passport number. | |||||||
passportCountry | string | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for the country of the customer's passport. | |||||||
passportExpirationDate | string | 8 | Date on which passport expires. | |||||||
driversLicenseNumber | string | 16 | Driver's license number of the customer. | |||||||
driversLicenseCountry | string | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for driver's license number. | |||||||
taxId | string | 16 | Tax identification number. | |||||||
taxIdCountry | string | 3 | ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric country code for tax identification number. | |||||||
gender | string | 1 | Gender of the customer: - M = Male - F = Female - U = Unknown | |||||||
maritalStatus | string | 1 | Marital status of the customer: - S = Single - M = Married - D = Divorced - W = Widowed - E = Separated - O = Other - U = Unknown | |||||||
numberOfDependents | string | 2 | Number of dependents. | |||||||
creditScore | string | 4 | Credit score of the customer. | |||||||
creditScoreDate | string | 8 | Date the credit score for the customer was captured. Format: yyyymmdd. | |||||||
creditScoreSource | string | 20 | Source of the credit score. | |||||||
creditScoreRequestReason | string | 1 | Reason for requesting the credit score: - N = Application for a new credit/loan account. - C = Customer request for a change to an existing account (for example, credit limit increase, overdraft protection). - S = New product or service offering. - R = Routine review. - V = Review due to an adverse condition (for example, delinquency, overdraft) - O = Other - U = Unknown | |||||||
creditRating | string | 4 | Grouping of customers by credit worthiness. | |||||||
pefp | string | 1 | Indicates whether or not the customer is on a list of Politically Exposed Foreign Persons: - Y = Yes - N = No - Blank = Unknown | |||||||
ofac | string | 1 | Indicates whether the customer is on the list of entities and individuals that are blocked under the Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions programs: - Y = Yes - N = No - Blank = Unknown | |||||||
behaviorScore1 | string | 4 | First behavior score. | |||||||
behaviorScore2 | string | 4 | Second behavior score. | |||||||
segmentId1 | string | 6 | Segmentation ID of the account. Reserved for FICO modeling. | |||||||
segmentId2 | string | 6 | Segmentation ID of the account. Reserved for FICO modeling. | |||||||
segmentId3 | string | 6 | Segmentation ID of the account. Reserved for FICO modeling. | |||||||
segmentId4 | string | 6 | Segmentation ID of the account. Reserved for FICO modeling. | |||||||
userIndicator01 | string | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules | |||||||
userIndicator02 | string | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules | |||||||
userIndicator03 | string | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules | |||||||
userIndicator04 | string | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules | |||||||
userIndicator05 | string | 1 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules | |||||||
userCode1 | string | 6 | User-defined information. | |||||||
userCode2 | string | 6 | User-defined information. | |||||||
userCode3 | string | 6 | User-defined information. | |||||||
userCode4 | string | 8 | User-defined information. | |||||||
userCode5 | string | 8 | User-defined information. | |||||||
userData01 | string | 6 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData02 | string | 6 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData03 | string | 6 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData04 | string | 8 | User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData05 | string | 8 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData06 | string | 8 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData07 | string | 10 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData08 | string | 10 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData09 | string | 15 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData10 | string | 15 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData11 | string | 20 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData12 | string | 20 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData13 | string | 40 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData14 | string | 40 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
userData15 | string | 60 | User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules. | |||||||
RESERVED_01 | string | 30 | Reserved |
"NISrvRequest": {
"request_CIS": {
"header": {
"msg_id": "236001",
"msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
"msg_function": "REQ_FALCON_CIS",
"src_application": "TIBCO",
"target_application": "FALCON",
"timestamp": "2020-07-20T10:49:02.366+04:00",
"bank_id": "default"
"body": {
"tranCode": "102",
"source": "TIBCO",
"dest": "FALCON",
"extendedHeader": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
"workflow": "modelSTUB",
"recordType": "CIS20",
"dataSpecificationVersion": "2.0",
"clientIdFromHeader": "D360",
"recordCreationDate": "20230912",
"recordCreationTime": "160912",
"recordCreationMilliseconds": "234",
"gmtOffset": "+03.00",
"customerIdFromHeader": "12345000000001",
"customerAcctNumber": "0009991110000000001",
"externalTransactionId": "D360CIS000000000001",
"customerType": "S",
"vipType": "S",
"relationshipStartDate": "20230913",
"numberOfAccounts": "2",
"title": "MR",
"suffix": "MR",
"preferredGreeting": "Mr. John Smith",
"preferredLanguage": "EN",
"mothersMaidenName": "Doe",
"householdName": "Smith Family",
"streetLine1": "123 Main St",
"streetLine2": "Apt 4B",
"streetLine3": "Building 2",
"streetLine4": "Floor 5",
"city": "RIYADH",
"stateProvince": "CA",
"postalCode": "12345",
"countryCode": "US",
"residenceStatus": "O",
"dateAtAddress": "20230101",
"secondaryAddrType": "M",
"secondaryAddrStreetLine1": "456 Secondary St",
"secondaryAddrStreetLine2": "Apt 12C",
"secondaryAddrStreetLine3": "Building B",
"secondaryAddrStreetLine4": "Floor 2",
"secondaryAddrCity": "Los Angeles",
"secondaryAddrStateProvince": "CA",
"secondaryAddrPostalCode": "90001",
"secondaryAddrCountryCode": "US",
"employer": "Acme Corp",
"workAddrStreetLine1": "789 Work Rd",
"workAddrStreetLine2": "Suite 101",
"workAddrStreetLine3": "Building C",
"workAddrStreetLine4": "Floor 3",
"workAddrCity": "San Francisco",
"workAddrStateProvince": "CA",
"workAddrPostalCode": "94105",
"workAddrCountryCode": "US",
"employmentStatus": "400",
"employmentStartDate": "20230101",
"employerMcc": "1234",
"occupationCode": "1234",
"income": "5000",
"currencyCode": "SAR",
"currencyConversionRate": "1",
"homePhone": "123-456-7890",
"secondaryPhone": "987-654-3210",
"workPhone": "555-123-4567",
"mobilePhone": "555-987-6543",
"preferredPhone": "M",
"emailAddress": "customer@example.com",
"educationalStatus": "B",
"birthDate": "19850101",
"birthCountry": "840",
"citizenshipCountry": "840",
"nationalId": "123-45-6789",
"nationalIdCountry": "840",
"passportNumber": "P123456789",
"passportCountry": "840",
"passportExpirationDate": "20250101",
"driversLicenseNumber": "D12345678",
"driversLicenseCountry": "840",
"taxId": "123-45-6789",
"taxIdCountry": "840",
"gender": "M",
"maritalStatus": "M",
"numberOfDependents": "2",
"creditScore": "700",
"creditScoreDate": "20230101",
"creditScoreSource": "Equifax",
"creditScoreRequestReason": "N",
"creditRating": "A",
"pefp": "Y",
"ofac": "Y",
"behaviorScore1": "202",
"behaviorScore2": "402",
"segmentId1": "SEG1",
"segmentId2": "SEG2",
"segmentId3": "SEG3",
"segmentId4": "SEG3",
"userIndicator01": "A",
"userIndicator02": "B",
"userIndicator03": "C",
"userIndicator04": "D",
"userIndicator05": "E",
"userCode1": "UC1",
"userCode2": "UC2",
"userCode3": "UC3",
"userCode4": "UC4",
"userCode5": "UC5",
"userData01": "U DAT1",
"userData02": "U DAT2",
"userData03": "U DAT3",
"userData04": "USR DAT4",
"userData05": "USR DAT5",
"userData06": "USR DAT6",
"userData07": "USER DAT07",
"userData08": "USER DAT08",
"userData09": "USER DATA 09000",
"userData10": "USER DATA 10000",
"userData11": "USER DATA 110000000",
"userData12": "USER DATA 120000000",
"userData13": "USER DATA 13000000000000000000000000000X",
"userData14": "USER DATA 14000000000000000000000000000X",
"userData15": "USER DATA 1500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000X",
"RESERVED_01": "RESERVED_01 00000000000000000X"
Node | Child Node | Type | Length | Description | |
Content-Type | application/json | string | Content Type |
Node Type | Type | Length | Description | |||||||
NISrvResponse | response_CIS | header | msg_id | string | 12 | Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID” | ||||
msg_type | string | 12 | Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION” | |||||||
msg_function | string | 50 | Message functions: Should be “REP_FALCON_CIS” | |||||||
src_application | string | 10 | Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems | |||||||
target_application | string | 10 | The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call | |||||||
timestamp | string | 15 | Timestamp of the response - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SSS+04:00 | |||||||
bank_id | string | 4 | Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC” | |||||||
exception_details | application_name | string | 20 | Application Name | ||||||
date_time | string | 30 | Timestamp of the response Format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” | |||||||
status | string | 1 | Status of the request (S/F) | |||||||
error_code | string | 4 | EAI Internal Error Code (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions) | |||||||
error_description | string | 100 | Error Description (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions) | |||||||
transaction_ref_id | string | 20 | The tracking_id sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field. | |||||||
body | tran_code | number | 3 | The transaction code. 101 for auth, 102 for advice, 108 for profile maturation. | ||||||
source | string | 10 | Name of source application. Note: A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and destination values are reversed. | |||||||
destination | string | 10 | Name of destination application. | |||||||
extended_header | string | 1024 | Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned/unaltered to, the requesting system. For example: Tracking identifier used by requesting system. | |||||||
responseRecordVersion | string | 1 | The response_record_version specifies the version of the scoring response layout. This field is included to support building libraries that support reading multiple versions of scoring response messages. | |||||||
scoreCount | string | 2 | This field specifies the number of scores in the response message and has values from 0 to 8. | |||||||
decisionCount | string | 2 | This field specifies the number of decisions in the response message and has values from 0 to 10. |
"NISrvResponse": {
"response_CIS": {
"header": {
"msg_id": "236001",
"msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
"msg_function": "REP_FALCON_CIS",
"src_application": "TIBCO",
"target_application": "FALCON",
"timestamp": "2020-07-20T06:49:02.366Z",
"bank_id": "NIC"
"exception_details": {
"application_name": "TCC-ADP",
"date_time": "2023-02-01T16:39:47.314+04:00",
"status": "S",
"error_code": "000",
"error_description": "Success",
"transaction_ref_id": "236001"
"body": {
"tran_code": 101,
"source": "PMAX",
"destination": "TIBCO",
"extended_header": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
"responseRecordVersion": "4",
"scoreCount": "00",
"decisionCount": "0"
Code | Description |
200 | Sample Description |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
500 | Internal Server Error |
502 | Bad gateway |
503 | Scheduled Maintenance |
504 | Gateway Timeout |
596 | Service Not Found |