Falcon services are offered for payment card fraud detection. This section will provide more details about Individual services.










This data feed provides a method to update specific fields in the customer-level, account-level, or PAN-level nonmonetary information. A nonmonetary transaction is used to convey an update to a field in a CIS, AIS or PIS record or to convey other relevant nonmonetary information, such as when a customer is traveling.

This data feed provides a method to update specific fields in the customer-level, account-level, or PAN-level nonmonetary information. A nonmonetary transaction is used to convey an update to a field in a CIS, AIS or PIS record or to convey other relevant nonmonetary information, such as when a customer is traveling.








curl --location --request POST '#{PARAM_URL}' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{ access_token }}' {custom_headers} --data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'
curl --location --request GET 'https://api-sandbox.network.global/v1/tokenkc/generate' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'
curl --location --request POST 'https://api-sandbox.network.global/v1/tokenkc/generate' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Authorization* requiredBearer xxxx* requiredstringAuthorization Header (Bearer Token)
Content-Type* requiredapplication/json* requiredstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
NISrvRequestrequest_NMONheadermsg_id* requiredstring12Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID”
msg_type* requiredstring12Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION”
msg_function* requiredstring50Message functions: Should be “REP_FALCON_NMON”
src_application* requiredstring10Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems
target_application* requiredstring10The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call
timestamp* requiredstring30Timestamp of the request - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SS +04:00
bank_id* requiredstring4Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC”
bodytranCodestring3The action code. Note tranCode values must be greater or equal to 100.
sourcestring10Name of source application.Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed.
deststring10Name of destination application. Note A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and dest values are reversed.
extendedHeaderstring1024Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned unaltered to, the requesting system.
workflowstring16Contains the name of the workflow to be executed by Falcon Fraud Manager.
dataSpecificationVersionstring5the value 2 should be added
clientIdFromHeaderstring16Unique identifier for the client or subclient. The value of this field is determined jointly by the client and FICO.
recordCreationDatestring8format yyyymmdd Date that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT.
recordCreationTimestring6format hhmmss Time that this record was created. Time zone must be GMT.
recordCreationMillisecondsstring3format sss Milliseconds portion of the time that this record was created.
gmtOffsetstring6Filled with blanks.
customerIdFromHeaderstring20Primary Customer Identifier. Financial institution's unique identifier for the primary customer for the account.
customerAcctNumberstring40Unique identifier for the account associated with the transaction/record.
externalTransactionIdstring32Client-generated unique transaction ID that is unique across all data feeds for a specific installation of Falcon Fraud Manager.
transactionDatestring8Date on which the nonmonetary event took place. Format: yyyymmdd.
transactionTimestring6Time when the nonmonetary event took place. Format: hhmmss.
nonmonCodestring4The code defining the nonmonetary event.
nonmonCodeInitiatorstring1Entity initiating the nonmonetary event: B = Bank C = Customer.
decisionCodestring1Indicates the decision made on the nonmonetary event. Valid values: A = Change/event was approved. D = Change/event was denied.
contactMethodstring1The method used by the customer to contact the institution about the nonmonetary event. Valid values: A = ATM B = Phone (Interactive Voice Response system) C = Computer/Internet D = Drop box E = Brokered by external 3rd party F = Fax G = Payment initiated using tokenization channel M = Mobile banking through web browser N = Mobile application O = Other P = Postal (Mail) R = Automatic transfer S = Point of Sale (POS) Terminal T = Teller window/cashier U = In-branch kiosk/device (non-ATM) V = Phone (remote teller) Z = Direct link to back office Blank = Bank-initiated nonmonetary.
contactMethodIdstring40A number giving identifying information about the contactMethod. Examples: - ATM terminal ID for ATM-based transaction - Branch ID for teller-based transaction - Web ID for online transaction - Telephone number of customer for telephone transaction - Terminal ID for POS transactions - IMEI for mobile transaction.
serviceRepresentativeIdstring20The identification of the service representative that worked with the customer for this transaction. For branch transactions, this is the teller's ID; for phone transactions, this is the operator's ID.
panstring19Primary Account Number (PAN) of the payment instrument. This is the number encoded or embossed on the payment instrument used in the transaction.
paymentInstrumentIdstring30Unique identifier for the payment instrument. The identifier may distinguish the payment instrument from any other payment instrument, active or inactive/expired, with or without the same PAN. This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [0004]: Previous payment instrument ID. - [3000]: Previous payment instrument ID. - [3400]: Previous payment instrument ID (that is, previous token). Otherwise, this field remains blank.
newCustomerIdstring20This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [0001]: If not deleting the profile, populate with the new customer ID. If deleting the profile, populate with blanks. - [2005]: Account's new customer ID.
newCustomerAcctNumberstring40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [0002]: If not deleting the profile, populate with the new account identifier. If deleting the profile, populate with blanks. - [1360]: Payee account identifier. - [2001]: New account identifier. - [2300]: Payee account identifier.
newPanstring19This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [0003]: If not deleting the profile, populate with the new PAN. If deleting the profile, populate with blanks. - [3000]: New PAN.
newPaymentInstrumentIdstring30This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [0004]: If not deleting the profile, populate with the new payment instrument ID. If deleting the profile, populate with blanks. - [3000]: New payment instrument ID. - [3400]: New payment instrument ID (such as a Token).
actionCodestring2This field indicates some specific actions related to the nonmonetary event. This field should be populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: [0001]: - Populate with the following values: - C = Copy the profile from old to new and retain the old. If new existed, it is overwritten. - D = Delete the profile. Do not populate `newCustomerId`. - M = If new exists, log the error and do nothing, otherwise copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. This is a "safe" mode. - T = Copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. If new existed, it is overwritten. This is a "forced" move. [0002]: - Populate with the following values: - C = Copy the profile from old to new and retain the old. If new existed, it is overwritten. - D = Delete the profile. Do not populate `newCustomerAcctNumber`. - M = If new exists, log the error and do nothing, otherwise copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. This is a "safe" mode. - T = Copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. If new existed, it is overwritten. This is a "forced" move. [0003]: - Populate with the following values: - C = Copy the profile from old to new and retain old. If new existed, it is overwritten. - D = Delete the profile. Do not populate `newPan`. - M = If new exists, log the error and do nothing, otherwise copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. This is a "safe" mode. - T = Copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. If new existed, it is overwritten. This is a "forced" move. [0004]: - Populate with the following values: - C = Copy the profile from old to new and retain old. If new existed, it is overwritten. - D = Delete the profile. Do not populate `newPaymentInstrumentId`. - M = If new exists, log the error and do nothing, otherwise copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. This is a "safe" mode. - T = Copy the profile from old to new and delete the old. If new existed, it is overwritten. This is a "forced" move. [0005]: - Populate with the following values: - D = Delete the UDP. Do not populate `newEntityName`. [1005]: - Populate with the following values: - M1 = indicates customer is being activated for military duty. - M0 = indicates customer is no longer on military duty. [1250]: - Populate with the following values: - A1 = indicates customer starts email alert. - A0 = indicates customer stops email alert. - N1 = indicates customer starts email newsletter. - N0 = indicates customer stops email newsletter. - E0 = indicates customer has changed his or her email address. [1130]: - Populate with the following values: - I1 = indicates enabling of internet access to customer. - I0 = indicates disabling of internet access to customer. - T1 = indicates enabling of telephone access to customer. - T0 = indicates disabling of telephone access to customer. - S1 = indicates enabling of mobile access to customer. - S0 = indicates disabling of mobile access to customer. - B1 = indicates unblocking of PIN for this customer. - B0 = indicates blocking of PIN for this customer. [1350]: - Populate with the following values: - S1 = indicates a change in existing customer-level security question or answer. - M1 = indicates a change to mother's maiden name. - P1 = indicates a change in existing customer-level passcode. - W1 = indicates a change in existing customer-level memorable word. - C1 = indicates a change to any other customer-level credentials. [1360]: - Populate with the following values: - P0 = indicates that a payee account has been added. Use `newCustomerAcctNumber` field to specify payee account. - P1 = indicates that a payee account has been removed. Use `newCustomerAcctNumber` field to specify payee account. [2040]: - Populate with the following values: - F1 = indicates enabling of fraud protection for this account. - F0 = indicates disabling of fraud protection for this account. - P1 = indicates enabling of positive pay for this account. - P0 = indicates disabling of positive pay for this account. - A1 = indicates enabling of ACH debit filters for this account. - A0 = indicates disabling of ACH debit filters for this account. [2042]: - Populate with the following values: - C1 = register for online banking. - M1 = register for mobile banking. - T1 = register for telephone banking. - N1 = register for mobile payments.
newGivenNamestring30This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's new given name.
oldGivenNamestring30Previous given name. This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's previous given name.
newMiddleNamestring30This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's new middle name.
oldMiddleNamestring30Previous middle name. This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's previous middle name.
newSurnamestring60This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's new surname.
oldSurnamestring60Previous surname. This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's previous surname.
newSuffixstring10This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's new suffix.
oldSuffixstring10Previous name suffix. This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following value: - [1001] = customer's previous suffix.
newEntityNamestring60This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1001] = customer's new title. - [1152] = customer's new employer. - [1350] = customer's new mother's maiden name. - [3000] = new name on payment instrument. - [4000] = business's new name. - [4002] = parent company's new name. - [4110] = business's new primary contact name. - [4111] = business's new secondary contact name. - [4112] = business's new tertiary contact name. - [4120] = business's new primary internal relationship contact's name. - [4121] = business's new secondary internal relationship contact's name.
oldEntityNamestring60Previous entity name. This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1001] = customer's previous title. - [1152] = customer's previous employer. - [1350] = customer's previous mother's maiden name. - [3000] = previous name on payment instrument. - [4000] = business's previous name. - [4002] = parent company's previous name. - [4110] = business's previous primary contact name. - [4111] = business's previous secondary contact name. - [4112] = business's previous tertiary contact name. - [4120] = business's previous primary internal relationship contact's name. - [4121] = business's previous secondary internal relationship contact's name.
newStreetLine1string40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's new address, street line 1. - [1151] = customer's new secondary address, street line 1. - [1152] = customer's new work address, street line 1. - [2601] = account's new statement address, street line 1. - [4100] = business's new address, street line 1. - [4101] = business's new secondary address, street line 1. - [4102] = parent company's new address, street line 1. - [4103] = business headquarters' new address, street line 1.
oldStreetLine1string40Previous street address. This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's previous address, street line 1. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary address, street line 1. - [1152] = customer's previous work address, street line 1. - [2601] = account's previous statement address, street line 1. - [4100] = business's previous address, street line 1. - [4101] = business's previous secondary address, street line 1. - [4102] = parent company's previous address, street line 1. - [4103] = business headquarters' previous address, street line 1.
newStreetLine2string40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's new address, street line 2. - [1151] = customer's new secondary address, street line 2. - [1152] = customer's new work address, street line 2. - [2601] = account's new statement address, street line 2. - [4100] = business's new address, street line 2. - [4101] = business's new secondary address, street line 2. - [4102] = parent company's new address, street line 2. - [4103] = business headquarters' new address, street line 2.
oldStreetLine2string40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's previous address, street line 2. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary address, street line 2. - [1152] = customer's previous work address, street line 2. - [2601] = account's previous statement address, street line 2. - [4100] = business's previous address, street line 2. - [4101] = business's previous secondary address, street line 2. - [4102] = parent company's previous address, street line 2. - [4103] = business headquarters' previous address, street line 2.
newStreetLine3string40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's new address, street line 3. - [1151] = customer's new secondary address, street line 3. - [1152] = customer's new work address, street line 3. - [2601] = account's new statement address, street line 3. - [4100] = business's new address, street line 3. - [4101] = business's new secondary address, street line 3. - [4102] = parent company's new address, street line 3. - [4103] = business headquarters' new address, street line 3.
oldStreetLine3string40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's previous address, street line 3. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary address, street line 3. - [1152] = customer's previous work address, street line 3. - [2601] = account's previous statement address, street line 3. - [4100] = business's previous address, street line 3. - [4101] = business's previous secondary address, street line 3. - [4102] = parent company's previous address, street line 3. - [4103] = business headquarters' previous address, street line 3.
newStreetLine4string40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's new address, street line 4. - [1151] = customer's new secondary address, street line 4. - [1152] = customer's new work address, street line 4. - [2601] = account's new statement address, street line 4. - [4100] = business's new address, street line 4. - [4101] = business's new secondary address, street line 4. - [4102] = parent company's new address, street line 4. - [4103] = business headquarters' new address, street line 4.
oldStreetLine4string40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's previous address, street line 4. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary address, street line 4. - [1152] = customer's previous work address, street line 4. - [2601] = account's previous statement address, street line 4. - [4100] = business's previous address, street line 4. - [4101] = business's previous secondary address, street line 4. - [4102] = parent company's previous address, street line 4. - [4103] = business headquarters' previous address, street line 4.
newCitystring40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's new city. - [1151] = customer's new secondary city. - [1152] = customer's new work city. - [2007] = account's new branch city. - [2601] = account's new statement city. - [3100] = PAN's new cardholder city. - [4100] = business's new city. - [4101] = business's new secondary city. - [4102] = parent company's new city. - [4103] = business headquarters' new city.
oldCitystring40This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's previous city. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary city. - [1152] = customer's previous work city. - [2007] = account's previous branch city. - [2601] = account's previous statement city. - [3100] = PAN's previous cardholder city. - [4100] = business's previous city. - [4101] = business's previous secondary city. - [4102] = parent company's previous city. - [4103] = business headquarters' previous city.
newStateProvincestring3ISO 3166-2 standard code, omitting the first three characters. For example, code "US-CA" should be populated as "CA". This field is populated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's new state or province. - [1151] = customer's new secondary state or province. - [1152] = customer's new work state or province. - [2007] = account's new branch state or province. - [2601] = account's new statement state or province. - [3100] = PAN's new cardholder state or province. - [4100] = business's new state or province.
oldStateProvincestring3Previous customer's state or province, using ISO 3166-2 standard code, omitting the first three characters. For example, code "US-CA" is populated as "CA". This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's previous state or province. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary state or province. - [1152] = customer's previous work state or province. - [2007] = account's previous branch state or province. - [2601] = account's previous statement state or province. - [3100] = PAN's previous cardholder state or province. - [4100] = business's previous state or province.
newPostalCodestring10This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's new postal code. - [1151] = customer's new secondary postal code. - [1152] = customer's new work postal code. - [2007] = account's new branch postal code. - [2601] = account's new statement postal code. - [3100] = PAN's new postal code. - [4100] = business's new postal code. - [4101] = business's new secondary postal code. - [4102] = parent company's new postal code. - [4103] = business headquarters' new postal code.
oldPostalCodestring10This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1150] = customer's previous postal code. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary postal code. - [1152] = customer's previous work postal code. - [2007] = account's previous branch postal code. - [2601] = account's previous statement postal code. - [3100] = PAN's previous postal code. - [4100] = business's previous postal code. - [4101] = business's previous secondary postal code. - [4102] = parent company's previous postal code. - [4103] = business headquarters' previous postal code.
newCountryCodestring3ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric value of country. This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1000] = customer's corrected country of birth. - [1100] = customer's new citizenship country. - [1104] = customer's new country issuing driver's license. - [1105] = customer's new country issuing tax ID. - [1106] = customer's new passport country. - [1150] = customer's new country code. - [1151] = customer's new secondary country code. - [1152] = customer's new work country code. - [1319] = country code where customer is on vacation/traveling. - [2007] = account's new branch country code. - [2601] = account's new statement country code. - [3000] = payment instrument's new issuing country. - [3100] = PAN's new country code. - [4000] = business's new country issuing national ID. - [4001] = business's new country issuing tax ID. - [4100] = business's new country code. - [4101] = business's new secondary country code. - [4102] = parent company's new country code. - [4103] = business headquarters' new country code.
oldCountryCodestring3Previous customer's country code, using ISO 3166-1 three-digit numeric value. This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1000] = customer's previous incorrect country of birth. - [1100] = customer's previous citizenship country. - [1104] = customer's previous country issuing driver's license. - [1105] = customer's previous country issuing tax ID. - [1106] = customer's previous passport country. - [1150] = customer's previous country code. - [1151] = customer's previous secondary country code. - [1152] = customer's previous work country code. - [2007] = account's previous branch country code. - [2601] = account's previous statement country code. - [3000] = payment instrument's previous issuing country. - [3100] = PAN's previous country code. - [4000] = business's previous country issuing national ID. - [4001] = business's previous country issuing tax ID. - [4100] = business's previous country code. - [4101] = business's previous secondary country code. - [4102] = parent company's previous country code. - [4103] = business headquarters' previous country code.
newPhone1string24This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1207] = customer's new home phone number. - [1208] = customer's new secondary phone number. - [1209] = customer's new work phone number. - [1210] = customer's new mobile phone number. - [4110] = business's new primary contact phone. - [4111] = business's new secondary contact phone. - [4112] = business's new tertiary contact phone. - [4120] = business's primary internal relationship contact's new phone. - [4121] = business's secondary internal relationship contact's new phone.
oldPhone1string24Previous phone number. This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1207] = customer's previous home phone number. - [1208] = customer's previous secondary phone number. - [1209] = customer's previous work phone number. - [1210] = customer's previous mobile phone number. - [4110] = business's previous primary contact phone. - [4111] = business's previous secondary contact phone. - [4112] = business's previous tertiary contact phone. - [4120] = business's primary internal relationship contact's previous phone. - [4121] = business's secondary internal relationship contact's previous phone.
newPhone2string24This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [4110] = business's new alternate primary contact phone. - [4111] = business's new alternate secondary contact phone. - [4112] = business's new alternate tertiary contact phone. - [4120] = business's primary internal relationship contact's new alternate phone. - [4121] = business's secondary internal relationship contact's new alternate phone.
oldPhone2string24Previous phone number. This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [4110] = business's previous alternate primary contact phone. - [4111] = business's previous alternate secondary contact phone. - [4112] = business's previous alternate tertiary contact phone. - [4120] = business's primary internal relationship contact's previous alternate phone. - [4121] = business's secondary internal relationship contact's previous alternate phone.
newEmailAddressstring40This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following values: - [1250] = customer's new email address. - [4110] = business's new primary contact email address. - [4111] = business's new secondary contact email address. - [4112] = business's new tertiary contact email address. - [4120] = business's primary internal relationship contact's new email address. - [4121] = business's secondary internal relationship contact's new email address.
oldEmailAddressstring40Previous email address. This field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has the following values: - [1250] = customer's previous email address. - [4110] = business's previous primary contact email address. - [4111] = business's previous secondary contact email address. - [4112] = business's previous tertiary contact email address. - [4120] = business's primary internal relationship contact's previous email address. - [4121] = business's secondary internal relationship contact's previous email address.
newDate1stringThis field is populated as indicated if the `nonmonCode` field has one of the following values: - [1000] = customer's corrected birthday. - [1106] = customer's new passport expiration date. - [1150] = customer's start date at new address. - [1152] = customer's new employment start date. - [1300] = customer's new bank relationship start date. - [1319] = customer's start date for vacation/travel. - [1400] = customer's new credit score date. - [2011] = account's new open date. - [2030] = account's new status date. - [2600] = account's new annual fee date. - [3000] = payment instrument's new last issue date. - [3010] = PAN's new member since date. - [3020] = payment instrument's new PIN set date. - [3102] = PAN's new status date. - [3400] = Token's new provision date. - [3401] = Token new status date. - [4000] = business's new registration date. - [4400] = business's new credit score date.
oldDate1string10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's previous incorrect birthday - 1106: customer's previous passport expiration date - 1150: customer's start date at previous address - 1152: customer's previous employment start date - 1300: customer's previous bank relationship start date - 1400: customer's previous credit score date - 2011: account's old open date - 2030: account's previous status date - 2600: account's previous annual fee date - 3000: payment instrument's previous last issue date - 3010: PAN's previous member since date - 3020: payment instrument's previous PIN set date - 3102: PAN's previous status date - 3400: previous token provision date - 3401: token's previous status date - 4000: business's previous registration date - 4400: business's previous credit score date
newDate2string10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1319: customer's end date for vacation/travel - 3000: payment instrument's new expiration date - 3010: PAN's new open date - 3400: Token new expiration date - 3401: Token updated expiration date - 4000: business's corrected relationship start date
oldDate2string10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 3000: payment instrument's previous expiration date - 3010: PAN's previous open date - 3400: previous token's expiration date - 3401: Token's previous expiration date - 4000: business's previous incorrect relationship start date
newId1string20This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1100: customer's new national ID - 1104: customer's new driver's license number - 1105: customer's new tax ID - 1106: customer's new passport number - 2007: account's new routing number - 2008: account's new joint customer ID - 3400: New token requestor ID - 4000: business's new national ID - 4001: business's new tax ID
oldId1string20This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1100: customer's previous national ID - 1104: customer's previous driver's license number - 1105: customer's previous tax ID - 1106: customer's previous passport number - 2007: account's previous routing number - 2008: account's previous joint customer ID - 3400: previous token requestor ID - 4000: business's previous national ID - 4001: business's previous tax ID
newId2string20This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 2007: account's new branch ID
oldId2string20This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 2007: account's previous branch ID
newCode1string3This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's new preferred language code (ISO 639-3 language code) - 1100: customer's new country issuing national ID - 1152: customer's new employment status - 1308: new currency code for all CIS monetary fields - 2010: account's new type - 2030: account's new status - 2209: new currency code for all AIS monetary fields - 3010: PAN's new subtype - 3102: PAN's new status - 3206: new currency code for all PIS monetary fields - 3320: new value for whether the chip card supports Issuer Authentication as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 3321: new chip specification version value - 3400: new token's status - 3401: Token's new status - 4110: business's new primary contact preferred language - 4111: business's new secondary contact preferred language - 4112: business's new tertiary contact preferred language - 4900: new currency code for all BIS monetary fields
oldCode1string3This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's previous preferred language code (ISO 639-3 language code) - 1100: customer's previous country issuing national ID - 1152: customer's previous employment status - 1308: previous currency code for all CIS monetary fields - 2010: account's previous type - 2030: account's previous status - 2209: previous currency code for all AIS monetary fields - 3010: PAN's previous subtype - 3102: PAN's previous status - 3206: previous currency code for all PIS monetary fields - 3320: previous value for whether the chip card supports Issuer Authentication as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 3321: previous chip specification value - 3400: previous token's status - 3401: Token's old status - 4110: business's previous primary contact preferred language - 4111: business's previous secondary contact preferred language - 4112: business's previous tertiary contact preferred language - 4900: previous currency code for all BIS monetary fields
newCode2string3This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 2010: account's new ownership - 3320: new value for whether the chip card supports combined DDA/AC Generation (CDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 3400: New token service provider
oldCode2string3This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 2010: account's previous ownership - 3320: previous value for whether the chip card supports combined DDA/AC Generation (CDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 3400: Previous token service provider
newCode3string3This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 2010: account's new usage - 3400: Token's new assurance level - 3401: Token's new updated assurance level
oldCode3string3This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 2010: account's previous usage - 3400: Previous token's assurance level - 3401: Token's previous assurance level
newIndicator1string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's new gender - 1150: customer's new residential status - 1151: customer's new secondary address type - 1207: customer's new preferred phone code - 1300: customer's new VIP type - 1400: customer's new source of credit score - 2010: account's new VIP type - 2011: account's new open application channel - 2030: account's new overlimit status - 2041: account's new mobile pay value - 2211: account's new cashback limit mode - 3000: payment instrument's new issue type - 3010: PAN's new type - 3020: payment instrument's new PIN type - 3104: payment instrument's new activation indicator value - 3205: PAN's new daily limit type - 3320: new value for whether the chip card supports Static Data Authentication (SDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 3321: new chip specification value - 3400: new token's type - 4000: business's new sales market - 4200: business's new business type - 4400: business's new source of credit score
oldIndicator1string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's previous gender - 1150: customer's previous residential status - 1151: customer's previous secondary address type - 1207: customer's previous preferred phone code - 1300: customer's previous VIP type - 1400: customer's old source of credit score - 2010: account's previous VIP type - 2011: account's previous open application channel - 2030: account's previous overlimit status - 2041: account's previous mobile pay value - 2211: account's previous cashback limit mode - 3000: payment instrument's previous issue type - 3010: PAN's previous type - 3020: payment instrument's previous PIN type - 3104: payment instrument's previous activation indicator value - 3205: PAN's previous daily limit type - 3320: previous value for whether the chip card supports Static Data Authentication (SDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 3321: previous chip specification value - 3400: previous provisioned token type - 4000: business's previous sales market - 4200: business's previous business type - 4400: business's old source of credit score
newIndicator2string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's new marital status - 1300: customer's new PEFP status - 2011: account's new marketing code - 2041: account's new direct deposit value - 3000: payment instrument's new media type - 3010: PAN's new category - 3320: new value for whether the chip card supports Static Dynamic Authentication (DDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 4200: business's new vip type
oldIndicator2string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's previous marital status - 1300: customer's previous PEFP status - 2011: account's previous marketing code - 2041: account's previous direct deposit value - 3000: payment instrument's previous media type - 3010: PAN's previous category - 3320: previous value for whether the chip card supports Dynamic Data Authentication (DDA) as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 4200: business's previous vip type
newIndicator3string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's new educational status - 1300: customer's new OFAC status - 2041: account's new online bill pay value - 3010: PAN's new association - 3320: new value for whether the chip card supports Cardholder Verification as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 4200: business's new PEFP status
oldIndicator3string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's previous educational status - 1300: customer's previous OFAC status - 2041: account's previous online bill pay value - 3010: PAN's previous association - 3320: previous value for whether the chip card supports Cardholder Verification as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 4200: business's previous PEFP status
newIndicator4string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 3010: PAN's new incentive - 3320: new value for whether the chip card performs Terminal Risk Management as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 4200: business's new OFAC status
oldIndicator4string1This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 3010: PAN's previous incentive - 3320: previous value for whether the chip card performs Terminal Risk Management as part of the Application Interchange Profile - 4200: business's previous OFAC status
newMonetaryValuestring19This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1152: customer's new income - 2201: account's new credit limit - 2202: account's new overdraft limit - 2203: account's new daily cash limit - 2204: account's new daily POS limit - 2210: account's new total daily limit - 2600: account's new annual fee amount - 2610: account's new delinquency amount - 3201: PAN's new credit limit - 3202: PAN's new overdraft limit - 3203: PAN's new daily cash limit - 3204: PAN's new daily POS limit - 4000: business's new annual revenue
oldMonetaryValuestring19This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1152: customer's old income - 2201: account's previous credit limit - 2202: account's previous overdraft limit - 2203: account's previous daily cash limit - 2204: account's previous daily POS limit - 2210: account's previous total daily limit - 2600: account's previous annual fee amount - 2610: account's previous delinquency amount - 3201: PAN's previous credit limit - 3202: PAN's previous overdraft limit - 3203: PAN's previous daily cash limit - 3204: PAN's previous daily POS limit - 4000: business's previous annual revenue
currencyCodestring3ISO 4217 three-digit numeric currency code. This is the currency unit used for the two monetary fields (newMonetaryValue and oldMonetaryValue). Should only be populated if monetary values are populated for the following nonmonCode values: - 1152: currency code for income - 2201: currency code associated with credit limit - 2202: currency code associated with overdraft limit - 2203: currency code associated with daily cash limit - 2204: currency code associated with daily POS limit - 2210: currency code associated with total daily limit - 2600: currency code associated with annual fee amount - 2610: currency code associated with delinquency amount value - 3201: currency code associated with credit limit - 3202: currency code associated with overdraft limit - 3203: currency code associated with daily cash limit - 3204: currency code associated with daily POS limit - 4000: currency code for business's annual revenue
currencyConversionRatestring13The multiplicative currency conversion rate that is used to convert the currency specified in currencyCode to US dollars. This field indicates the currency of the two monetary fields (newMonetaryValue and oldMonetaryValue). It is populated if monetary values are populated for the following nonmonCode values: - 1152: currency conversion rate to convert income expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 2201: currency conversion rate to convert credit limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 2202: currency conversion rate to convert overdraft limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 2203: currency conversion rate to convert daily cash limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 2204: currency conversion rate to convert daily POS limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 2210: currency conversion rate to convert total daily limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 2600: currency conversion rate to convert annual fee amount expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 2610: currency conversion rate to convert delinquency amount expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 3201: currency conversion rate to convert credit limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 3202: currency conversion rate to convert overdraft limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 3203: currency conversion rate to convert daily cash limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 3204: currency conversion rate to convert daily POS limit expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars - 4000: currency conversion rate to convert the business's annual revenue expressed by the given currency code into US Dollars
newNumericValue1string10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's new number of dependents - 1300: customer's new number of accounts - 1340: customer's new behavior 1 score - 1400: customer's new credit score - 2012: account's new number of authorized users - 2030: account's new number of cycles inactive - 2400: account's new behavior 1 score - 2600: account's new statement cycle period - 2610: account's new number of delinquent cycles - 3010: new number of payment instrument IDs associated with PAN - 3020: payment instrument's new PIN length - 3322: new lower consecutive offline limit for the PAN - 3400: new number of tokens associated with PAN - 3401: new number of tokens associated with PAN - 4000: new number of accounts associated with business - 4400: business's new credit score - 4500: business's new behavior 1 score
oldNumericValue1string10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's previous number of dependents - 1300: customer's previous number of accounts - 1340: customer's previous behavior 1 score - 1400: customer's previous credit score - 2012: account's previous number of authorized users - 2030: account's previous number of cycles inactive - 2400: account's previous behavior 1 score - 2600: account's previous statement cycle period - 2610: account's previous number of delinquent cycles - 3010: previous number of payment instrument IDs associated with PAN - 3020: payment instrument's previous PIN length - 3322: previous
newNumericValue2string10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1340: customer's new behavior 2 score - 2012: account's new number of payment instrument IDs - 2400: account's new behavior 2 score - 2600: account's new statement day of month - 3322: new upper consecutive offline limit for the PAN - 4000: business's new number of employees - 4500: business's new behavior 2 score
oldNumericValue2string10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1340: customer's previous behavior 2 score - 2012: account's previous number of payment instrument IDs - 2400: account's previous behavior 2 score - 2600: account's previous statement day of month - 3322: previous lower consecutive offline limit for the PAN - 4000: business's previous number of employees - 4500: business's previous behavior 2 score
newCharacterValuestring10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1152: customer's new occupation code - 1330: customer's new segmentation ID 1 - 1331: customer's new segmentation ID 2 - 1332: customer's new segmentation ID 3 - 1333: customer's new segmentation ID 4 - 1400: customer's new credit rating - 2020: account's new service type - 2050: account's new segmentation ID 1 - 2051: account's new segmentation ID 2 - 2052: account's new segmentation ID 3 - 2053: account's new segmentation ID 4 - 2600: account's new interest rate category - 4000: business's new industry code - 4300: business's new first segmentation ID - 4301: business's new second segmentation ID - 4302: business's new third segmentation ID - 4303: business's new fourth segmentation ID - 4400: business's new credit rating
oldCharacterValuestring10This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1152: customer's previous occupation code - 1330: customer's previous segmentation ID 1 - 1331: customer's previous segmentation ID 2 - 1332: customer's previous segmentation ID 3 - 1333: customer's previous segmentation ID 4 - 1400: customer's previous credit rating - 2020: account's previous service type - 2050: account's previous segmentation ID 1 - 2051: account's previous segmentation ID 2 - 2052: account's previous segmentation ID 3 - 2053: account's previous segmentation ID 4 - 2600: account's previous interest rate category - 4000: business's previous industry code - 4300: business's previous first segmentation ID - 4301: business's previous second segmentation ID - 4302: business's previous third segmentation ID - 4303: business's previous fourth segmentation ID - 4400: business's previous credit rating
newStringstring60This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's new preferred greeting - 1308: new currency conversion rate to US dollars for all CIS monetary fields - 1400: customer's new credit score request reason - 2007: account's new bank ID - 2011: account's new application reference number - 2020: account's new portfolio - 2209: new currency conversion rate to US dollars for all AIS monetary fields - 2600: account's new statement addressee - 3206: new currency conversion rate to US dollars for all PIS monetary fields - 4100: business's new addressee - 4101: business's new secondary addressee - 4102: parent company's new addressee - 4103: business's new headquarters' addressee - 4110: business's new primary contact title - 4111: business's new secondary contact title - 4112: business's new tertiary contact title - 4400: business's new credit score request reason - 4900: new currency conversion rate to US dollars for all BIS monetary fields
oldStringstring60This field is populated if the nonmonCode field has one of the following values: - 1000: customer's previous preferred greeting - 1308: previous currency conversion rate to US dollars for all CIS monetary fields - 1400: customer's previous credit score request reason - 2007: account's previous bank ID - 2011: account's previous application reference number - 2020: account's previous portfolio - 2209: previous currency conversion rate to US dollars for all AIS monetary fields - 2600: account's previous statement addressee - 3206: previous currency conversion rate to US dollars for all PIS monetary fields - 4100: business's previous addressee - 4101: business's previous secondary addressee - 4102: parent company's previous addressee - 4103: business's previous headquarters' addressee - 4110: business's previous primary contact title - 4111: business's previous secondary contact title - 4112: business's previous tertiary contact title - 4400: business's previous credit score request reason - 4900: previous currency conversion rate to US dollars for all BIS monetary fields
commentstring50String comment. Intended for human-readable content for the client.
userIndicator01string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator02string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator03string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator04string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userIndicator05string1User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules
userCode1string6User-defined information.
userCode2string6User-defined information.
userCode3string6User-defined information.
userCode4string8User-defined information.
userCode5string8User-defined information.
userData01string6User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData02string6User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData03string6User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData04string8User-defined information. Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData05string8User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData06string8User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData07string10User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData08string10User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData09string15User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData10string15User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData11string20User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData12string20User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData13string40User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData14string40User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.
userData15string60User-defined information.Editable in Falcon Expert rules.

    "NISrvRequest": {
        "request_NMON": {
            "header": {
                "msg_id": "236001",
                "msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
                "msg_function": "REP_FALCON_NMON",
                "src_application": "TIBCO",
                "target_application": "FALCON",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-20T10:49:02.366+04:00",
                "bank_id": "default"
            "body": {
                "tranCode": "102",
                "source": "TIBCO",
                "dest": "FALCON",
                "extendedHeader": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
                "workflow": "modelSTUB",
                "recordType": "NMON20",
                "dataSpecificationVersion": "2.0",
                "clientIdFromHeader": "D360",
                "recordCreationDate": "20230912",
                "recordCreationTime": "160912",
                "recordCreationMilliseconds": "234",
                "gmtOffset": "+03.00",
                "customerIdFromHeader": "12345000000001",
                "customerAcctNumber": "0009991110000000001",
                "externalTransactionId": "D360NMON000000000001",
                "transactionDate": "20250120",
                "transactionTime": "235959",
                "nonmonCode": "1234",
                "nonmonCodeInitiator": "B",
                "decisionCode": "A",
                "contactMethod": "M",
                "contactMethodId": "ATM123456",
                "serviceRepresentativeId": "Teller12345",
                "pan": "1234567890123456789",
                "paymentInstrumentId": "123456789012345678901234567890",
                "newCustomerId": "NewCustomer123",
                "newCustomerAcctNumber": "NewAcctNumber1234567890",
                "newPan": "9876543210123456789",
                "newPaymentInstrumentId": "NewPayInstr123456789012345678901234567890",
                "actionCode": "C",
                "newGivenName": "John",
                "oldGivenName": "Jonathan",
                "newMiddleName": "A.",
                "oldMiddleName": "Andrew",
                "newSurname": "Doe",
                "oldSurname": "Smith",
                "newSuffix": "Jr.",
                "oldSuffix": "Sr.",
                "newEntityName": "Acme Corp",
                "oldEntityName": "Old Acme Corp",
                "newStreetLine1": "123 Main St",
                "oldStreetLine1": "456 Old St",
                "newStreetLine2": "Apt 101",
                "oldStreetLine2": "Suite 200",
                "newStreetLine3": "Building C",
                "oldStreetLine3": "Building B",
                "newStreetLine4": "Floor 5",
                "oldStreetLine4": "Suite 400",
                "newCity": "San Francisco",
                "oldCity": "Los Angeles",
                "newStateProvince": "CA",
                "oldStateProvince": "CA",
                "newPostalCode": "94107",
                "oldPostalCode": "90210",
                "newCountryCode": "840",
                "oldCountryCode": "840",
                "newPhone1": "+1234567890",
                "oldPhone1": "+1234567890",
                "newPhone2": "+1234567890",
                "oldPhone2": "+1234567890",
                "newEmailAddress": "example@domain.com",
                "oldEmailAddress": "example@domain.com",
                "newDate1": "2023-12-31",
                "oldDate1": "2025-01-01",
                "newDate2": "2025-12-31",
                "oldDate2": "2024-11-30",
                "newId1": "AB1234567",
                "oldId1": "XY9876543",
                "newId2": "BR001",
                "oldId2": "BR002",
                "newCode1": "ENG",
                "oldCode1": "ENG",
                "newCode2": "OWN",
                "oldCode2": "OWN",
                "newCode3": "USG",
                "oldCode3": "USG",
                "newIndicator1": "M",
                "oldIndicator1": "F",
                "newIndicator2": "M",
                "oldIndicator2": "M",
                "newIndicator3": "S",
                "oldIndicator3": "F",
                "newIndicator4": "A",
                "oldIndicator4": "N",
                "newMonetaryValue": "5000",
                "oldMonetaryValue": "4500",
                "currencyCode": "USD",
                "currencyConversionRate": "1.25",
                "newNumericValue1": "5",
                "oldNumericValue1": "3",
                "newNumericValue2": "7",
                "oldNumericValue2": "5",
                "newCharacterValue": "ABC123",
                "oldCharacterValue": "XYZ789",
                "newString": "Hello, welcome!",
                "oldString": "Hello, welcome back!",
                "comment": "This account needs attention.",
                "userIndicator01": "A",
                "userIndicator02": "B",
                "userIndicator03": "C",
                "userIndicator04": "D",
                "userIndicator05": "E",
                "userCode1": "UC1",
                "userCode2": "UC2",
                "userCode3": "UC3",
                "userCode4": "UC4",
                "userCode5": "UC5",
                "userData01": "U DAT1",
                "userData02": "U DAT2",
                "userData03": "U DAT3",
                "userData04": "USR DAT4",
                "userData05": "USR DAT5",
                "userData06": "USR DAT6",
                "userData07": "USER DAT07",
                "userData08": "USER DAT08",
                "userData09": "USER DATA 09000",
                "userData10": "USER DATA 10000",
                "userData11": "USER DATA 110000000",
                "userData12": "USER DATA 120000000",
                "userData13": "USER DATA 13000000000000000000000000000X",
                "userData14": "USER DATA 14000000000000000000000000000X",
                "userData15": "USER DATA 1500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000X",
                "RESERVED_01": "RESERVED_01 00000000000000000X"

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Content-Typeapplication/jsonstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
NISrvResponseresponse_NMONheadermsg_id* requiredstring12Message ID, this field should be unique id for each Api call. This will be generated from client side. If the same message ID is used the system will decline the API call with Error Description “Duplicate Message ID”
msg_type* requiredstring12Message Type – This can have either “TRANSACTION” or “ENQUIRY” As for this API the value expected is “TRANSACTION”
msg_function* requiredstring50Message functions: Should be “REP_NMON”
src_application* requiredstring10Source Application: This is a free Text and the client can populate the source system from where the API is Initiated Example: TIBCO, IB, MB No Validations of these are kept at Network Systems
target_application* requiredstring10The target_application can hold any value from FI side, this can be used by FI to check the target system of the API call
timestamp* requiredstring15Timestamp of the response - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SSS+04:00
bank_id* requiredstring4Bank Id is Unique Id 4 digit code for each client and the same will be provided once the client setup is completed in our core system. For sandbox testing – Please use “NIC”
exception_detailsapplication_name* requiredstring20Application Name
date_time* requiredstring30Timestamp of the response Format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”
status* requiredstring1Status of the request (S/F)
error_code* requiredstring4EAI Internal Error Code (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions)
error_description* requiredstring100Error Description (Check error codes section for the complete list of error codes and error code descriptions)
transaction_ref_idstring20The tracking_id sent in the request will be sent back in response in this field.
bodytran_code* requirednumber3The transaction code. 101 for auth, 102 for advice, 108 for profile maturation.
source* requiredstring10Name of source application. Note: A header accompanies both a message from a sender to a recipient, and a response from the recipient to the sender. In the response, the source and destination values are reversed.
destination* requiredstring10Name of destination application.
extended_header* requiredstring1024Extended header. Contains data used by, and returned/unaltered to, the requesting system. For example: Tracking identifier used by requesting system.
responseRecordVersion* requiredstring1The response_record_version specifies the version of the scoring response layout. This field is included to support building libraries that support reading multiple versions of scoring response messages.
scoreCount* requiredstring2This field specifies the number of scores in the response message and has values from 0 to 8.
decisionCount* requiredstring2This field specifies the number of decisions in the response message and has values from 0 to 10.

    "NISrvResponse": {
        "response_NMON": {
            "header": {
                "msg_id": "236001",
                "msg_type": "TRANSACTION",
                "msg_function": "REP_FALCON_NMON",
                "src_application": "TIBCO",
                "target_application": "FALCON",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-20T06:49:02.366Z",
                "bank_id": "default"
            "exception_details": {
                "application_name": "TCC-ADP",
                "date_time": "2023-02-01T16:39:47.314+04:00",
                "status": "S",
                "error_code": "000",
                "error_description": "Success",
                "transaction_ref_id": "236001"
            "body": {
                "tran_code": 101,
                "source": "PMAX",
                "destination": "TIBCO",
                "extended_header": "EXTENDEDHEADER120001",
                "responseRecordVersion": "4",
                "scoreCount": "00",
                "decisionCount": "0"

Code Description
200Sample Description
400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error
502Bad gateway
503Scheduled Maintenance
504Gateway Timeout
596Service Not Found

How It Works

Follow the steps below. For more details, read the Quick Start Guide.