Card Services


Our card services support multiple card types, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as other popular payment methods like Apple Pay and Google Pay. You can also set up recurring payments for your customers, making it easy for them to make regular payments without having to enter their card information every time.Our advanced fraud detection and prevention features use machine learning algorithms to help identify and prevent fraudulent transactions. We also provide detailed reporting and analytics, allowing you to track and analyze payment data and make data-driven decisions.

We also offer multi-currency support, which allows you to accept payments from customers in different parts of the world. And with our 24/7 customer support, you can always count on us to help you resolve any issues related to our card services.Our card services are also fully compliant with all local and international regulations, such as PCI DSS, so you can be confident that you're accepting payments in a secure and compliant manner.


SMS Webhook






Card Services

SMS Webhook....


The SMS Webhook serves to inform your system when an SMS needs to be dispatched to the cardholder.

How It Works

First the template needs to be defined at NI side, and delivery channel will be defined as your system.
Once SMS is triggered, the SMS Webhook will initiate a request containing relevant information about the event to a predefined URL endpoint.

SMS Webhook






Card Services
curl --location --request GET '' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'
curl --location --request POST '' \--data-raw '#{JSON_PAYLOAD}'

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Authorization* requiredBearer xxxx* requiredstringAuthorization Header (Bearer Token)
Content-Type* requiredapplication/json* requiredstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
idstring20Unique identifer for the request
typestring32Type of the webhook
timestampstring30Timestamp of the request - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SSS+04:00
detailssmsrecipientcardidvaluestring32Card Identifier
typestring20externalCardId - when this is used,cardNumber - when clear card number is used
maskedCardNumberstring19Masked PAN number
clientIdstring21Client ID
mobilePhonestring32Mobile Number to which the SMS should be triggered
emailstring255Email ID
languagestring3Language ISO code
textMessagestring255The content of the SMS

    "id": "b876d568-8411-4638-bdef-a1a188a4773b",
    "type": "SMS",
    "timestamp": "2020-07-20T06:49:02.366Z",
    "details": {
        "sms": {
            "recipient": {
                "card": {
                    "id": {
                        "value": "99984100133767425304",
                        "type": "externalCardId"
                "maskedCardNumber": "999841XXXXXX7408",
                "clientId": "112233677339066180",
                "mobilePhone": "112211223322",
                "email": "",
                "language": "ENG"
            "textMessage": "Thank you for your NI Issuing Core DEMO Visa Gold credit card application. Your NI Issuing Core DEMO credit card ending 0796 was activated with 0.00 AED."

Node Child Node Type Length Description
Content-Typeapplication/jsonstringContent Type

Node TypeTypeLengthDescription
idstring12Unique identifer ID
typestring10Type of the webhook
timestampstring30Timestamp of the response - Format YYYY-MM-DDtHH:MM:SS.SSS+04:00
responsestatuscodestring5Status code of the response
descriptionstring30Response Description

    "id": "b876d568-8411-4638-bdef-a1a188a4773b",
    "type": "SMS",
    "timestamp": "2020-07-20T06:49:02.366Z",
    "response": {
        "status": {
            "code": "00",
            "description": "successful"

Code Description
200Bank Fin Profiles Successfully retrieved
400Bad request (Refer to the Bussiness Error Table)
401Indicates that the request requires user authentication information. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field
404The server can not find the requested resource.
500Internal Server Error
502The server got an invalid response while working as a gateway to get the response needed to handle the request
503The server is not ready to handle the request.
504The server is acting as a gateway and cannot get a response in time for a request.
596Service Not Found

How It Works

Follow the steps below. For more details, read the Quick Start Guide.